Chapter 10

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 When I woke up in the morning, the first thing that popped into my mind was the hate. The hardest part is waking up in the morning and remembering what you were trying to forget last night. I ran into the bathroom, feeling like I was gonna be sick. Luckily both guys were still asleep. I wanted to cut again. Really bad. But I couldn't. They would end up finding out. I thought about everything. My depression. My suicidal thoughts. My self harm. My eating disorder. My brother...his suicide. If my brother did it, I could too right? I stood in front of the mirror and then looked down at my arms and legs. Well I guess if I'm not gonna be here anymore, it won't matter if I hurt myself again. I snuck back into my room and took out a box from beneath my bed. I took out a blade and put it to the very small clear space on my arm. I made three cuts. The deepest I had ever done. It hurt more than you could imagine but it felt amazing at the same time. I looked out my window and across the street. That's when I remembered a tall office building just around the corner. I took out a pen and paper. I wrote down the events of this morning and why I was killing myself. Then I went on into some deeper things  and wrote about how much I loved Dan and Phil and how they had helped me so much even just by making me smile. A few tear drops fell on the paper so I quickly slipped it beneath their door before I could change my mind. I got dressed and not too much later I was down the street. I went around to the side of the building to see a ladder attached to the building above the dumpster. I climbed up onto the dumpster and then onto the ladder. Soon enough, I had reached the top. For a moment I wished someobody would show up and stop me. But I knew it wasn't going to happen. I stood on the ledge and let my tears fall while looking down at the hard pavement that I would soon lay on. The wind was blowing through my hair and I prayed that God would change my mind. 

Phil's POV~

I woke up to see a peice of paper had been slipped underneath the door. I I raced over to get it once I remembered that Kyra was suicidal. "Dan!" I screamed through tears as I read the last part. I love you guys so much, thank you for everything, I just can't do this anymore. I don't deserve to anyways. I'm sorry. Goodbye. I thew the paper down and ran to her room,  Dan rushing to read the note. I ran to her bathroom next. She wasn't in the house. Dan came out of the bedroom and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the house and to the car. He jumped in the drivers seat and I hopped into the passengers. We drove down the rode and around the corner, searching for her. "PHIL LOOK!!" Dan shouted pointing to the top of the office building. My breathing went out of control when I saw Kyra standing on the ledge at the top. We both ran to the ladder at the side of the building. We knew exactly where to go. Dan had been in Kyra's position a few years back. And I had been doing the same thing I was doing now. When we reached the top of the building, Dan came over and scooped Kyra up. He brought her to the center of the roof. Away from all the ledges. She was crying into his chest, loudly and heavily. Dan ran his fingers through her long hair, trying to calm her down but she wouldn't. She started to get up and run to the side again but Dan had a firm grip of her arm and I had hold of her other one. We pulled her back down onto Dans lap. She stopped trying to get away and just cried. I drew circles on her back with my finger and Dan continued stroking her hair. "Kyra, why? Why would you do this? Why would you want to kill your self? Why would you want to give up?" He finally asked through tears but she was sobbing to hard to reply. "You can explain it to us when you're ready Kyra. But let's go home, away from the high edges," I said. Dan carefully carried her down the ladder, me following him. It wasn't an issue at all for Dan to carry her all the way home. Partly because she starved herself so she didn't weigh hardly anything, but also because after a situation like that, it would be hard for him to put her down. 


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