Chapter 18

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***Kyra's POV***

"Let's go, lets go, lets go!" I look up to see Dan and Phil standing next to my bed. They were already out of their pajamas and into their normal outfits for the day. I groan, letting them know I don't feel like waking up. "Kyra. I will count to three. If you aren't out of this bed by the time I get to three, I'll have to tickle you," Phil warns. I smirk. "1...2...3," he says. I don't budge. He dives into the bed and beings tickling me. I cry out in laughter along with the boys. "Okay, okay! I'm up!" I yell. Phil stands back up and I get out of the bed. "What do you want?" I ask with my teenage gurl sass overtaking me. Dan snaps his fingers like a white girl and I laugh. "We're going out to breakfast!" Phil cheers. I smile at his excitement. "We have to catch up. I mean these past two weeks you've just been all teenagerish and we haven't got to talk," Dan days. I playfully push him and roll my eyes. He smiles. "Hurry up and get dressed!" They shout. I stand there, waiting for them to leave. Finally they get the memo and step out of the room. I slip on a pair of leggings and and a black shirt with a Mean Girls quote on it. I sit down at my desk in front of the mirror and get out my makeup bag. When I reach in, the first thing I touch is the handle to a razor. I flinch from the sudden urge that comes over me. I quickly pull the razor out and open up the door. Dan and Phil are standing outside, they don't trust me that much yet. I hand Dan the razor and he raises his eyebrows at me. "Kyra," he warns, thinking I had done it again. "Wrists, now," Phil demands. I show them my clean wrists and sigh. "I brought it to you guys so I wouldn't," I explain. They smile and nod and I walk back into the bedroom. I sit back down at my desk and immediately being regretting giving Dan the razor. I walk back out into the hall and look at Dan and Phil. "Could I um...have...that back?" I ask, already knowing the answer. "Nope," Phil states. I start to say something else but Dan cuts me off. "Kyra. The answer is no," he says sternly. I huff out a sigh and return back to my room. When I sit down again, I think to myself. No Kyra. You are much stronger. You can fight this. The thoughts don't go away and my hands shake from anxiety but I repeat the words in my head again. You can fight this. My hands continue to shake but I take deep breaths and calm myself. I look in the mirror and smile at myself for the sudden self control. I put on my mascara and foundation with ease and put my hair in a braid. When I'm finished, I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. The boys follow me and sit outside the door again. I roll my eyes at their overprotectiveness but then remind myself that they have good reasons to be the way they are. When I'm finally done getting ready, I slip on some vans and we head to the restaraunt. When we are waiting for our table, I notice a boy about my age. He has brown hair and brown eyes and is tan. He's really cute. He's tall and looks muscular but not to the point where it's gross. He catches me staring at him and smiles. He says something to his friends he's sitting with and walks over to me. "Hi, I'm Evan," he said politely, holding out his hand. I took the offer despite the looks I was recieving from Dan and Phil. "Hi, I'm Kyra," I introduced myself. "Would you like to come sit with us?" He asked. I looked at Dan and Phil. They agreed but very hesitantly. I gave them both hugs before Evan took my hand and lead me to a seat right next him. He pulled the chair out for me and when I sat down he pushed it back in. I talked with him and his friends for a little while before Dan and Phil came over and said we had to go. I nodded and they went back over to their table to pay for their meals and grab money to pay for mine. "Hey Kyra, there's a party at my house tonight. You should come. There's gonna be alcohol and stuff but you don't have to drink if you don't feel conforatable," he offered. I smiled widely. "Yes! Well...I don't know. I'll have to ask," I said. He nodded. "Okay well here's my number. Text me if you're coming. It's at midnight. The paper has my address on it too," he explained, handing me a slip of paper. I took the paper and told everyone goodbye before running over to Dan and Phil who were waiting at the door. When we got home, I followed Phil into the kitchen to ask about the party. "So...those boys you were sitting with..." He smirked. I shot him a dirty look and he laughed. "Yeah so about those boys. Um...Evan's having a party at his house later tonight. Can I go?" I asked. "Yeah of course!" Phil exclaimed. "Thank you so much! It starts at midnight, " I told him. "Oh...midnight? Sorry Kyra, but I'm gonna have to say no," he said. "But-but that's not fair!" I shouted. He shot me a look but I ignored his warning. "What's all the yelling about?" Dan asked as he walked in the room. "Well, Evan invited Kyra to a party. But it's at midnight. So I said no," Phil explained. "Oh yeah, you are definitely not going to any party starting at midnight until you're 30," he agreed with Phil. "Oh my gosh you guys are so unfair!" I yelled again. "Kyra. Lose the attitude," Dan scolded. "No!" I retorted loudly. "That's it. Go to your room. NOW," Phil reprimanded while crossing his arms. I let out a scream of frustration before going up to my room. I fell onto my bed and pulled out my phone and the peice of paper. I texted Evan and told him I'm coming. I'll just have to sneak out. He texts back with the heart eye emoji and the smirk emoji. I blush. He's such a flirt. A few minutes later Dan walks in and I quickly hide my phone under the blanket so he won't see my texts. "Are you ready to come down and apologize to Phil and I so we can discuss the situation WITHOUT your attitude?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Alright then. Well thanks to that right there, you can stay in your room the rest of the day. Don't even think about coming out. We will talk about this in the morning," he said and then left, shutting the door behind him. I sighed. I didn't like arguing with Dan or Phil and I certainly didn't like being punished. But they were being completely unfair and I wanted to let them know that. It was still extremely early in the day so I would be stuck in my room for a long time. It's a good thing they didn't take my laptop or phone away. I decided to go on Tumblr for a while. Then I had a YouTube marathon and then I took a nap. By the time all of this was done, it was time for me to start getting ready. I waited for Dan to come back in with my dinner before putting my dress on. Not too long after, I was finished with dinner and was able to get ready. I redid my hair, makeup, and put on my navy blue and black strapless dress. I waited until 11:45 to sneak out. Luckily there was a tree right next to the roof outside my window. I carefully tiptoed across the house and towards the tree. I stepped onto the branch and almost slipped but I caught myself. Thank God I didn't where heels. I climbed down the tree and began walking towards the address he had given me. This was gonna be fun. 

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