Chapter 21

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I'm trying so hard to fight the tears. I was laying in bed, my breathing heavy, anxiety rising, bloody wrists once again. I held my eyes shut tightly. If I open them, tears will come pouring out. I told myself I could win this fight but I can't. I can't. I tried so hard. I made it one month and four days and now I'm back where I was before. I feel as if I'm alone in open water. I can't keep my head above the waves much longer. One move and I drown. I only cause problems. That's all I do. I don't make people smile, I make them worry. I squeezed my eyes together even tighter. But I couldn't stop the waterfall that soon came rushing down. I couldn't move. I was stuck laying on my back, arms at my sides. I looked down to see the blood gushing down my arms faster. Too fast. I'm dreaming.
My eyes shot open and I awoke to find myself being cradled by Phil in the middle of my pitch black room. I wrapped my arms around his torso and squeezed him tightly. "Shh love it's okay. It was only a dream..." He reassured me. "Ph-Phil I-I th-thought I c-could get through th-this," I whispered through tears. "You can," he told me. "I c-ca-" I couldn't finish my sentence I was stuttering so bad. "Sh, we can speak in the morning. Just go back to sleep," he said while stroking my hair gently. The room fell silent except for the sound of my sniffles and after less than ten minutes I fell asleep.

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