Chapter 28

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**Phil's POV**
"Kyra?" I called out as I searched for her. No answer. I started to panic even more than I already was. "Kyra?" I called out again, this time louder. She wasn't downstairs according to Caspar and Dan and she wasn't in her bedroom or the bathroom. I sighed, knowing she most likely ran out somewhere. I went to grab my jacket from my bedroom and was surprised to find her sitting on my bed on her laptop with headphones in. "Kyra Rose Lester!" I yelled angrily, rushing to her side. She looked up at me in fear and I immediately calmed down. "W-why are you up here? We're downstairs having a party for you Ky," I said gently. "I don't know, I'm just not really feeling it I guess. I didn't mean to scare you guys...I'm sorry..." She apologized sheepishly. "Oh no no it's okay. We just thought you...ya know-" I didn't know how to put it. "Stop Phil. I know what you guys thought. You thought I was off cutting again like the emo freak I am," she mumbled the last few words but I heard them clearly. She avoided eye contact so I took her chin in my hand and lightly forced her to look at me. "Kyra Rose Lester," I began sternly. "I do not want to ever hear you refer to yourself like that. Do you understand me? You are beautiful and anything but a freak. You may have some issues but so does everyone else in this world so they have absolutely no room to talk," I explained. "Okay Phil. I'm sorry," she stated and began scratching at her arms. I took her wrist in my hand and began to pull up her sleeve. She pulled back instantly. I raised my eyebrow at her before snatching back her arm and lifting her sleeve. I counted 28 scars. "Kyra when did these happen?" I asked, referring to the 6 new scars that had appeared. She only had 22 before we took her to the hospital. "Yeah...I may have sorta hurt myself a few times at the hospital. Of course they found out though, and confiscated whatever sharp object I had managed to find. I'm 3 weeks clean now though Phil," she smiled at the last part. "I'm proud of you lion. Although I am upset that you cut while you were at the hospital, which you will be telling Dan about just so you know," I reminded. "But Phil!" She protested. "Don't Kyra," I warned her and she stopped. "Now, will you please come downstairs and we can PARTY?!" I asked cheerfully. "Yeah I guess, just calm down you weirdo," she giggled. I smiled and picked her up bridal style before racing downstairs. "Kyra!" Caspar and Dan both shouted when they saw her before pulling her into hugs. "Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again," Dan scolded. She looked down at the floor embarrassed and mumbled out an apology while Caspar stood there awkwardly. Dan hugged her once more. "C'mon Kyra, let's go have fun!" Caspar yelled with his thick accent causing Kyra to laugh. "Let's do this thing!" She cheered back and they ran out of the kitchen and into the living room with everyone else.

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