Chapter 15

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***Phil's POV***

No words came out of my mouth as I stood in shock of what just happened along with Connor. Dan was letting his anger out by smashing the nearest glass he could find. He was in tears. I didn't try to stop him as he moved to the next item, crashing it to the ground. I looked at Connor, who wasn't paying any attention to Dan, but off in his own little world. I headed over to the door and walked out, whispering to Connor as I passed him, "Stay with him. Don't let him hurt himself...please, I promise you, he will try to." Connor only responded with a nod before bolting towards Dan who had picked up a piece of glass off the floor and ran up the stairs. I didn't even bother to put on a hoodie before walking out into the cool air. I stood for a moment, contemplating which way to go. I decided to go towards the office building. I ran faster when I realized how close she was to jumping last time we found her there. "Kyra!" I began to scream. But I got nothing in return but a few strange looks from people passing by. "Kyra!" I yelled again. Still nothing. I began walking down the street, busy with cars. That's when I saw a bench up ahead. On the bench, sat a girl. She had long, blonde curly hair, and tear stains on her eyes. She looked so beautiful. "Kyra..." I spoke softly. I ran towards her. When I reached the young girl, I put a hand on her shoulder and she looked up at me. My heart fell to the ground when I saw her face close up. The pain she was feeling inside was no longer hidden. It had become too much to keep to herself. She began to cry and I sat down next to her, pulling her to my side. "I'm so sorry..." I whispered in her ear. But it would take much more for her to trust us again.

***Connors POV***

"Dan please open the door," I said. I put my head against the door and sighed when I got no answer. "Dan please...think about Phil. Would he want you to do this to yourself?" I asked, hoping that bringing Phil into it would get through to him. And it did, just not in the way I was hoping. "GOD DAMN CONNOR! I DONT CARE HOW BAD THIS HURTS FUCKING PHIL! IT ISNT ABOUT HIM! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT?! IM THE ONE WHO CONSTANTLY CONTEMPLATES SUICIDE! NOT HIM! DO I NOT MATTER TO YOU?!? WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING STUPID?!" He screamed through tears when he swung open the door. "FINE! Do whatever the hell you want," I retorted sharply and left the house despite what Phil had said earlier about not leaving him alone. 

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