Chapter 9

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Dan went into the kitchen to make some dinner while me and Phil sat on the couch discussing the way this situation would be handled. "I'm not upset with you that you have these issues," he began. "It's the fact that you lied to me that bothers me. I would never be mad at you for any of this. It's not your fault. Though we are going to do our bests to help you stop hurting yourself. So here's how it will work. Dan or I will be checking you for cuts every night. As you stop hurting yourself we will gradually check less and less, but for now, it'll be everyday. Secondly, you will be eating at every meal. And don't even plan on throwing it up because you are certainly not allowed to go into the restroom without letting one of us know so we can wait outside the door," he explained. "PHIL! YOU GUYS CANT STAND OUTSIDE THE RESTROOM WHEN IM USING IT!!" I yelled. "Um we certainly can and we certainly will," Dan chipped in. "Kyra I'm sorry it has to be like this. We just want to protect you. It won't stay like this forever. So anyways, yeah you will eat every meal. And you will need to take your pills in front of one of us. We'll keep your pills locked away somewhere. And lastly, please do not lie to us about your feelings. If one of us asks if your feeling okay, you need to reply honestly. And if you ever get the urge to hurt yourself or anything like that, get one of us immediately. It doesn't matter if it's in the middle of the night. You need to tell us. This is all because we love you," Phil finished. I smiled but I was mildly upset that I would be treated like a child. But I guess I had brought it upon myself. "Okay come eat!" Dan called. We went into the kitchen and sat down with our meals. "Actually I'm not that hungry..." I tried to give them an excuse. Dan looked me straight in the eye. "Eat the food. You deserve it. You are beautiful and if anyone tells you otherwise than tell me and I will kill them. Got it?" He asked. I sighed and ate the food. After I had finished eating half my food I was done and the boys thanked me and gave me hugs. Phil walked out of the room and then came back in a minute later with my pill. He handed it to me. They both watched me very carefully as I swallowed it. They smiled and then went back to their food once I had taken it.  "I'm gonna go upstairs," I began to get up but Dan grabbed my wrist. "No. I'm sorry but I don't want you alone," he said. I groaned but he ignored me. I went over and sat on the couch. I played on my phone for a while until the guys had finished. They were laughing and messing with each other in the kitchen when Phil stopped in his tracks. "Kyra where are your blades?!" He asked frantically. Dan grabbed his hand to calm him down. "It's okay Phil, I have them," Dan said. Phil breathed a sigh of relief. "Can I please go upstairs? I'll just be on Tumblr and YouTube and stuff like that," I begged. "Fine but stay in your bedroom and don't say up too late. Goodnight Ky," Dan told me. I smiled and gave them both hugs before running upstairs. It was obvious Phil didn't totally like the fact that Dan allowed me to go upstairs so I ran quickly into my room before he could say anything. I immediately went on Twitter to see that Dan had posted a tweet about them adopting me. I smiled at the sight of it. But when I when I looked at the tweets I had been recieving, my smile quickly faded. It was all hate. I quickly shut my laptop before I got the urge to hurt myself again. I still had two blades left I just had them hidden.  

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