Chapter 29

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"Okay, be good. Listen to Joe and Caspar. And just so you know, they will be reporting back to us how much you eat and if you hurt yourself in any way," Dan reminded me for the tenth time after searching through my bag for any sharp objects, also for the tenth time. "She'll be fine Daniel," Joe reassured him. "Kyra call us if you need anything. Anything at all. I don't care what the time may be," Phil told me. "I will Philip. I love you guys, I'll see you in a few days," I smiled before hugging them tightly and kissing them both on the cheek. "We love you too," they said in unison and I laughed. "Creepy," Caspar remarked and Joe agreed. We headed outside to their car and headed to the condo they owned here in America for when they come to visit. I would be staying with them for the weekend. As we were walking out the door I felt my phone begin to buzz in my back pocket. I took it out and looked at the caller ID. It was Isaiah. We had talked every single day I was at the hospital, he kept me company. I ended up telling him about my self harm and eating disorder. At first, he was upset that I had lied but he soon got over it and ended up being very overprotective but a big help. I answered the call and held it to my ear.

"Happy 1 month anniversary!"

Oh yeah and he kinda asked me out...Dan and Phil eventually were okay with it after some convincing.

"Awe Isaiah! You too!"

"I know, I know, I'm the best boyfriend ever,"

"Sure you are."

"Excuse you,"

I laughed at his sassy remark.

"So, what have you eaten today?"

"Cake. Lots and lots of cake."

"You promise?"

"Yes Isaiah, I promise."

"So if I call Dan or Phil they will say the same...?"


"Okay I believe you."

"Thank you."

"Still three weeks clean?"


"Are Dan or Phil nearby?"

"You don't believe me...?"

"Ky, I believe you. I sister...she would lie...I can't let you...I...I'm sorry."

"No Isaiah, don't apologize. I understand. I know you've had bad experience with these things and I know your sister...well you know. So it's okay. I understand. Um, Dan and Phil are not around. I'm with Caspar and Joe. I'm staying with them for the weekend until they go back to the UK. Would you like to check with them?"

"Yes I would appreciate that."


I handed Caspar the phone.

"Oh hi Isaiah."

"Yes. Yeah she is."

"No problem."

"See ya."

He gave me back the phone and winked. I rolled my eyes and he made a funny face back.

"Happy now?"

"Yes I am. I'm proud of you Kyra."

I felt my cheeks turn hot and I knew I was blushing.


"Listen I've gotta go. But me if you need someone to talk to okay?"

Before I could respond I heard a loud crash in the background and someone call out his name. It was Drew, I'd know that voice anywhere. There was muffled bickering which meant Isaiah had covered the phone speaker with his hand. Suddenly there was another crash and the the line went dead. Panic immediately began to fill me but then I remembered they were just having a sibling fight. But this was Drew...he could seriously injure someone. "You alright Kyra?" Joe asked me. I nodded my head yes and he raised an eyebrow but brushed it off. God damn I swear if Drew hurt him...

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