Chapter 32

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*Kyra's POV*
Caspar, Joe! That's amazing!" I cheered. They both blushed brightly causing me to giggle. "Aw you guys are so cute, but you aren't my OTP. Sorry," I said jokingly. They scoffed. "Well then who is?" Joe asked and raised an eyebrow at me. "Um, Troyler obviously," I said matter of factly. "That doesn't count! Tyler and Troye are literally everyone's OTP!" Caspar laughed. I thought for a moment. "Very true," I agreed. We all broke out into laughter until I heard my phone buzz. It was Dan calling me.
"Hey Daniel,"

"Come home! It's important! We have news!"

"Dan what in the world are you talking about?"

I heard him and Phil giggling on the other line.

"Just come home. Bye! We love you!"

Before I could reply he had already hung up.

"Um Dan wants me home," I told Joe and Caspar. They smirked at each other. I squinted my eyes in suspicion and they quickly put on straight faces. "What's going on...?" I asked. They didn't say anything and just lifted me up. We rushed to the Phan household. "Kyra!" Dan and Phil yelled and lifted me into hugs. I turned to see Caspar and Joe had left. Dan picked me up bridal style and carried me to the sofa. Phil followed and eventually we were all sitting together. "Can you please tell me what this is about?" I asked. They smiled at each other. "Kyra, yesterday while you were with Caspar and Joe...Phil...he um...he proposed," Dan stuttered out. "Oh my God! You guys are getting married! I'm so happy for you two! That's amazing!" I shouted cheerfully. "Yeah so we think maybe it's time we come out to our fans. And maybe...introduce you?" He continued on. My eyes widened. "Yes, of course! Wow, oh my gosh!" I agreed. "Great! And also, we think it's time you start public school instead of online. You start next month," they explained. "Oh...okay," I nodded hesitantly. It's not that I don't enjoy public school, it's just the bullying. "Alright, well let's do this," Dan chirped. Phil ran into his room and then came back out a minute later with his camera and tripod. He set everything up and then had me go stand off to the side, out of view. He turned on the camera and then went to sit next to Dan. I smiled as I watched them fiddle nervously with their thumbs, thinking of a good way to start.
"So um, we've been keeping something from you guys for a while now," Dan began.
"In 2009, when I met Phil, I was going through some shit. And it was really hard on me. And honestly, I didn't know how much longer I could take it. But when Phil came along, he showed me I had worth. He told me I meant something to him. And to be honest, I wasn't at all surprised he was doing this for me. Because the moment I laid eyes on this boy, I knew I was in love," he continued. Phil was in tears now. "Daniel I love you so much," he whispered. Dan smiled at him. "I love you too Philip," he spoke softly back. They stared into each others eyes for a few moments before getting back to the video. "We're sorry for keeping this from you guys for so long. But we just weren't ready to tell you. But here we are now. Dan and I are a couple, well...engaged to be precise. Phan is official. Let the Tumblr posts begin," Phil laughed. They went on to explain how Phil had proposed and that lead to their first date and first kiss and even first fight. It was really adorable. "So now we have someone we want you to meet," Phil stated. Dan motioned for me to come sit in between them and when I did he said, "this is our beautiful daughter Kyra Rose Lester. Soon to be Kyra Rose Lester-Howell."
Then they went on to explain how they got me and how long it had been and all that crap. I also chimed in with how much of their fluff is up to fanfic standard. This caused them both to burst into laughter. "So before we go, we know we are going to get hate for being a couple. And Kyra knows that she will get hate as well. But guys, Kyra is our daughter, and if we feel the need to block any of you, we will. Other than that, we love you guys and will see you soon!" Dan ended the video before he and Phil engulfed me in hugs. I got out my phone and we took a selfie. I posted it on Instagram and captioned it:
This. family.

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