Chapter 11

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***Back to Kyra's POV***

I fell asleep next to Dan on the couch. He and Phil were also asleep . We all somehow managed to curl up on one couch. I guess I just really scared them. I looked down at the couch, it had a blood stain on it, along with my sleeve. I gasped. I completely forgot I had cut again before I left the house. Dan sat up immediately along with Phil. I put my arm underneath my legs in order to hide it. "What are you hiding Kyra?" Phil asked. "What? I'm not hiding anything haha..." I tried to lie. Dan lifted me up onto the ground, revealing the blood stain. "I-I-I'm sorry," I apologized. Dan grabbed my arm and pushed up the bloody sleeve. But I pulled away. "Kyra...let us see," Phil said softly. I shook my head. "Kyra you need to show us. Now," his voice was very gentle but he still meant business and I knew it. Dan reached for my arm again but this time he had hold of me too tight for me to pull away again. He sat me down in between him and Phil as he lifted up my sleeve. "I told you to give me the blades. I thought you gave them to me," Dan was disappointed in me and I felt awful. I took out the other blade from my pocket and handed it to Phil because Dan was still holding onto me. "Is that all of them?" Phil asked. I shrugged. I still had one left but I didn't want to give it away. "Ky it's a yes or no question, is it all of them? You know were not afraid to go through your stuff right?" Dan asked. I sighed. "It's not all of them is it?" Phil asked me. I looked at him. His blue eyes soothing my anxiety. He smiled. "It's okay if you do. But you do need to give them to us," he explained. I walked up to my room, Dan and Phil close behind. I got my last blade from under my bed. Phil held out his hand but I refused to give it to him. "Kyra Rose Lester," Dan spoke firmly. They had never used my full name before so I was slightly scared. I sighed and handed it over. They smiled at me. "We love you Ky. We just want to make you happy. We're going to help you. You aren't broken, you're bent and we promise we will fix that," Phil pulled me in for a hug. "We promise Kyra," Dan agreed. "Let's take today to just think. A lot happened. But tommorow, we are gonna go have fun!" Phil shouted. Dan threw his hands in the air like an idiot and I laughed. I don't know if I can be fixed, but if I'm meant to be broken, at least I'll be with these weirdos. Because I know that they love me.

A/N~ HEY GUYS!!!! Thanks for reading my story! Sorry for the short chapter!! The next one will be longer I promise!! Any ideas on what should happen next to spice the story up a lil bit? But from now on I'll only be updating on weekends since school starts tommorow...UGH!!!!! School is literally jail for teens. Not even kidding. I don't even learn anything lol I just daydream about youtubers the whole time so...WHATS THE POINT?!? Also I'm dealing with some stuff rn and I'm having a hard time getting through it so that also might add to the less often updates, but I'll try!! I promise!! Ily all so much!!!


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