Chapter 26

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  ***2 months later***
Dan and Phil had decided it would be best to take me to a doctor, so they did. I tried my best to protest but they were too stubborn. I ended up having to spend two months in the psychiatric ward and today I was coming home. The doctors actually helped me a lot. They helped me to get into regular eating habits and the therapist I was talking to helped me to not want to hurt myself as much as I did before. To be honest, not feeling sad made me feel kind of...kind of lost in a way. I mean I had been depressed for the past 4 years. This was like losing a piece of me. But it was nice being able to smile without using up every bit of effort in my body. And being able to eat because I wanted to instead of because I was being forced to. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Dan calling out my name. "Kyra! Holy shit we've missed you!" He yelled, pulling me into a giant bear hug. I smiled as he ruffled my hair. "Dan you guys have literally visited every day that I've been here," I chuckled. He blushed sheepishly. "Yeah...but I miss having you around the house..." He replied while looking at the ground and fiddling with his thumbs. I hugged him again to cheer him up. "Hey where's Philip?" I questioned. "Oh he went to visit his family for a few days. But he's coming back tonight," he explained. I nodded with a smile but it hurt my feelings that Phil wasn't here to see me. I expected my head to drown with negative thoughts on how he didn't love me but instead I just thought to myself, awe he gets to see his family, that's sweet. "You okay?" Dan raised his eyebrow at me. "Oh yeah sorry," I laughed. He smiled and went to go sign me out. I watched as the lady who had spent the last two months helping me spoke to him in whispers. I hope she's telling him I've made progress and not that I was still bad, because I really have made progress...but I'm not completely there. He nodded and she handed him a prescription bottle full of my antidepressants and then a second bottle for my anxiety. He walked back over to me and took my hand in his. We walked back to the house laughing hysterically because we had passed a man wearing a rather strange outfit. He was in overalls that were way too small and a nice tie to go with it. Like what even? It wasn't even that funny but for some reason me and Dan couldn't get over it. We walked through the front door and I was greeted by a room full of various youtubers who all immediately shouted, "WELCOME HOME KYRA ROSE LESTER!!!" and then swarmed me with hugs.
Sorry this chapter is really boring but it's like two in the morning and I have to get up for church soon. Good news, I GOT DAN AND PHILS NEW BOOK!!!! ITS SO AMAZING!!!! I LOVE IT!!! LIKE HOLY SHIZ!!! But I swear if some kid at school tries to touch it I will cut a bitch.
K well bye lovelies<3

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