Chapter 13

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Cliff hanger this chapter, plot twist in the next...Prepare yourselves!!! 

"Hi! I'm Connor! It's so nice to meet you!" Connor said with a slight giggle as I walked into his amazingly furnished house. "I...uh...I...hi I'm Kyra," I managed to spit out despite my severe case of fangirl-itus. All three boys laughed. I was slightly embarrassed but I did my best to hide it by playing with my thumbs. Dan put a hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him. He mouthed the words 'you'll be okay.'  I turned my gaze to Phil in order to keep myself from having a major anxiety attack. "Have fun Ky! We'll miss you! Although it will be much quieter..." He joked. I playfully pushed him and he smiled. "You can go look around if you would like Kyra," Connor offered. I nodded and walked towards the living room. I looked back to see the boys whispering and nodding to eachother. I made eye contact with Dan and the  thought crossed my mind that maybe they  were lying to me about this weekend, that they just wanted to get rid of me. That they were hiding something. I turned around before he could show any reaction and walked out of the room before my mind could travel any farther. But even while looking at the bright colors of the room that didn't dare to contrast in the slightest, I couldn't help but continue my accusation. What would they be hiding? What can't I know? Are they planning on taking me back? No. They wouldn't. Would they? Maybe they just want to be alone so they can 'get it on.'  I smiled at the last part. "Kyra!" Connor called out my name while shaking me gently. I looked at him in shock. "Yes?" I asked. "I've been calling your name for like forever now. Is everything okay? You looked on the verge of tears," he asked. "Oh...I'm sorry." I mentally slapped myself for showing signs of depression in the first five minutes. He chuckled. "Don't apologize Kyra. I was in this place once too, it takes a while to get out of it. But you will," he smiled. I knew he was doing his best to make me feel better but in all honesty the fact that my favorite youtuber knew I was like this only made me feel worse. Plus the thought of my Connor Franta feeling this way only hurt me more. "Thanks Connor," I said. His smile faded. "Please don't pretend to suddenly be okay. Don't do what I did. Don't hide it. Please," be begged. I couldn't help but fall into his arms and he held me tight. I didn't cry although I wanted to, I just...I can't, not here. The rest of the night, Connor and I just lay on the couch, watching movies and eating our favorite junk foods. And that night, for the first time since I was little, I fell asleep without difficulty. 

**The next morning**

I woke up to find Connor making breakfast in the kitchen while humming to Fall Out Boy and Beyoncé songs. He is literally me. I smiled at the sight of him dancing around the kitchen like a little boy. I accidentally giggled out loud and he jumped, dropping the ingredients he had out to make his smoothie. "My goodness Kyra!" He laughed while putting his hand over his heart. "You can go sit on one of the stools while I make breakfast," he suggested. "I'm gonna go shower, is that okay? Or does it break whatever rules Dan and Phil gave you to make me follow?" I asked sarcastically but at the same time I was being completely serious. He sighed. "Well I mean it does...but if you promise me you won't hurt yourself..." He started. I cringed at his words. I knew the boys told him that I did 'it,' but for him to actually talk about was difficult. Also, it was sort of triggering, but I refrained my mind from heading that direction. "I won't...wait, shit." I suddenly remembered that I didn't pack toiletries, including 'girl stuff.' "What's wrong?" He asked, concerned. "I forgot my pa-'girl stuff' at home." I explained. He nodded. "I can drive you home real quick if you want..." He offered. "Thanks," I said. He smiled in response, grabbed his keys, and we were out the door. When we reached Dan and Phils house, I realized that their cars weren't gone. I heard Connor mutter something like 'Damn I forgot,' under his breath. "I can just run you to the store real quick-" he started to say but I cut him off before he could finish his sentence by running into the house, not happy with what I saw. 

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