Chapter 22

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"Philip! Daniel!" I called from my bedroom where I was getting ready. I had slept surprisingly well after my panic attack. I heard footsteps race through the hallway and then a loud crash. "Shit," Dan mumbled under his breath and Phil burst out in laughter. I walked out of my bedroom and smirked at Dan who was sprawled out on the floor like an idiot. "Yep. You do that," I nodded my head at him and walked back into my bedroom. Phil followed me, leaving Dan behind. "Did you need something Ky?" Phil asked, still smiling. I sighed and scratched at my wrist, a bad habit I've developed and do whenever I'm nervous. His eyes shot to my arm and his expression changed from happy to worried in a matter of seconds. "Ky...did you-" he started to ask but I cut him off immediately, not wanting to bring up that topic as it was triggering and I was now 2 months clean. "No. I just wanted to ask you guys a question," I avoided eye contact as I spoke. Phil still looked worried but he seemed relieved at the fact that I had not hurt myself. "Okay...well?" He nodded, a gesture that told me to go on. "Okay so there's this guy," I started off. "No. Nope. Nopety nope nope," he dismissed the subject before I could even finish. "Phil, just listen please," I begged. He groaned but sat back down on my bed so I could continue. I smiled at him. "So anyways, this guy, I've been talking to him through Tumblr...and he seems really nice. He lives on the other side of California and I kinda sorta set up a date with him that we could meet...its tomorrow.." I explained, speeding up my words so they slurred together toward the end of my sentence. "Daniel James Howell come in here!" He yelled. I didn't know what he was doing so I just sat there quietly, still scratching at my wrists, well more my scars now. Dan came in looking annoyed, most likely due to the use of his full name. When he saw what I was doing his eyes narrowed and he looked mad. "Kyra Rose Lester..." He began. "Dan she didn't hurt herself," Phil stopped him. He let out a sigh of relief. "Why are you scratching at your wrist though Kyra?" Phil inquired. "Bad habit," I shrugged. "Please stop that Ky. It's triggering for you to be messing with your scars," Dan told me. I ignored him. "Kyra. Stop," he said more firmly and gently pulled my arm down so it was at my side. I didn't say anything. Phil sighed along with Dan. "Okay so why did you call me in here?" Dan asked, breaking the silence. "Well...go on Ky," Phil nudged me. I took a deep breath and explained everything to Dan. He smirked. "Is he your...boyfriend?" He mocked me. I glared at him. "Dan. She met him over the Internet," Phil reminded. I don't think Phil wanted me to meet Isaiah but Dan seemed amused by my crush. "Oh his names Isaiah by the way," I told them. "Yeah you can go meet him," Dan granted my request and I cheered before looking at Phil with puppy dog eyes. "Fine. But I'm coming with you," Phil made up his mind. I hugged them both and thanked them over and over again. Dan kissed my head. "It's no problem. But if this boy hurts you..." He began. "He's dead," Phil finished off the sentence and I giggled.

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