Chapter 30

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A/N~ Finally, here is an update!!!!

"Kyra! Breakfast is ready!" Joe called out loudly. "Be down in a minute!" I yelled back. I finished putting my mascara on and gave myself a final check over in the mirror. "Hurry up Kyra! Joe won't let me eat until you come down!" I heard Caspar whine. I let out a laugh. "Joseph let your boyfriend eat his food!" I shouted jokingly. I didn't get a reply back. Well that shut em up. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a scale and I felt my heart drop. Images came flooding through my mind of public school, Drew, the note. Oh God that note. The note that told me to kill myself. The note that brought me home in hysterics. The note that I received the same day I was taken from my home. That God damn note. At home, Dan and Phil didn't allow me to have a scale in the bathroom. They had one in their room but I wasn't allowed to use it. But here, no one knows about this. I stepped onto the scale and the number made me sick. 120. I was gaining wait again. Shit. I pinched the fat on my stomach. Fat. Ugly. Worthless. I stopped myself. No. I'm not falling back into this. But my mind quickly contradicted itself as cruel words continues piling in. Soon I found myself digging my nails into my wrist, opening up old cuts. Shit. Shit. Shit. If Caspar or Joe see this they will without a doubt call my dads. I ran into the guest bedroom I was staying in and got out the bandaids I had packed. I hurried back into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I stuck my arm under the cold running water coming from the faucet. Then I dried my arm off and began sticking on the bandaids. Once I had finished, I pulled down the long sleeves of my sweater and headed downstairs. "Oh thank goodness you are finally here! Can we eat now Joe? Pleeaasssee?" Caspar begged earning a nod and chuckle from Joe. I sat down and stared at the large plate of pancakes drowned in syrup in front of me. I picked up my fork but only managed to take a very minuscule bite before I began to just poke at the food. I looked up to see both Joe and Caspar glaring at me. "Kyra, you know that if you don't eat, we have to call Dan or Phil," Caspar reminded me. I sighed and nodded. In the end I ate a little over half my food before they finally agreed I could stop. I looked down at my arm to see that the blood had bled through a tiny bit and began to panic. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Caspar asked me cautiously and I nodded before following him into the kitchen. He started to talk but I made the stupid mistake of assuming he had seen the blood on my clothing. "Caspar I'm really sorry! I promise you I didn't mean to I don't know how it happened it just kind of did and I didn't make any new cuts I swear Caspar I really do I just accidentally reopened them and please don't call Dan and Phil!" I rambled out. "Kyra I have no idea what you are talking about! Wait, you reopened your cuts?! Let me see!" He demanded frantically resulting in Joe coming in. "Wait, you mean you weren't talking about that...?" I asked sheepishly. "Well I wasn't before but now I am. Show me your arm. Now," He ordered, but it didn't come out very stern as this was Caspar and he's too sweet to come across as strict. But either way I did as I was told and him and Joe stood in shock. "Please don't tell Dan or Phil," I begged. Joe sighed. "Since you haven't made any new cuts, we won't say anything. But don't do this again," he raised his eyebrows, waiting for me to agree. "I-I won't," I promised. They smiled and pulled me into hugs. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked inquisitively. They looked at each other and smiled.
"Well...Joe and I...we...we are a couple."

A\N~ Just to warn you, the next chapter comes soon and it contains much fluff. Be prepared for feels.

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