Chapter 25

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"Just go away..." I mumbled when I heard the light knock on my bedroom door. "Ky please let us in..." Phil pleaded. It sounded as if he had been crying which broke my heart. "I'd rather not," I responded. "Do we really have to get the key?" Dan asked. I groaned and then stood up and walked to the door, unlocked it and then went back to lay on my bed. I knew he was not even slightly kidding about getting the key. They had done it before. They're coming in either way. Dan and Phil walked in and it was confirmed that Phil had been recently in tears. His eyes were puffy and red and his hair was a mess meaning he had probably snuggled himself in Dan's arms for comfort. "Kyra please talk to us," Dan pleaded, sitting down at the foot of my bed. Phil sat next to me and pushed my hair out of my face. I sat up and just stared off into space before their arms wrapped warmly around me. "Please..." Dan repeated. "Did Isaiah hurt you...?" Phil asked and they both tensed up. I smiled at their protectiveness. "No, I swear. It wasn't him," I told them. "Was it someone else?" He continued to interrogate. I didn't respond. "Kyra," Dan began. I sighed and covered my eyes in hopes of stopping the tears that had formed. "Tell us what happened," Dan demanded. "H-his brother D-D-Drew..." I took a deep breath before continuing on. "H-he used to bully me when I went to public school. H-he w-was the r-re-reason I s-st-started c-c-cut-cutting" I stuttered out. Phil grasped my hand tightly to comfort me. "Did he say something to you?" Dan inquired, sounding angry. I contemplated on telling them or not. "He s-said I-I-I'm ugly and fat and w-w-worthless and that I'm an e-emo piece of shit," I told them half the story. "What else?" Phil asked. I started to cry. Dan held my hand and and made circles with his thumb gently. "He said I d-de-deserved more s-s-scars than I have now and that I should k-k-" I couldn't finish but they knew what I was trying to get out. "Oh Ky I'm so sorry. He's an asshole. Don't listen to a single thing he says. You are beautiful," Dan explained. I just nodded. "Is that why you've stopped eating again?" He asked. I nodded again, avoiding eye contact. "Well I'm not going to let you starve yourself do you understand?" He lifted my chin and made me look at him. "O-okay," was all I could say. I tugged at my sleeve hoping they wouldn't bring up self harm. But Phil noticed what I was doing and took my arm in his hand. I pulled it away and crossed my arms. He gave Dan a look and then they both looked at me. Dan uncrossed my arms and I tried to pull away but his grip was too tight so I just let him pull up my sleeve to reveal the newly made cuts. They lead me into the bathroom and set me on the sink. After a few minutes of bandaging up my cuts they had finished. But when I tried to walk back to my room they grabbed my arms and pulled me back.

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