Chapter 23

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Today's the day!!! Today's the day!! I get to meet him!! I ran out of my bedroom and into Dan and Phil's room. "FUCK YEAH TODAY I GET TO MEET HIM!" I yelled at the top of my lungs while jumping on top of them. "Language please," Phil scolded and I rolled my eyes. Dan smirked at me. "Phil calm your freaking tits," Dan laughed. Phil glared at him for a moment but he couldn't stay mad, he too laughed at Dan's remark. "Go get ready Ky, we'll be out soon," Dan told me. I raised my eyebrows and smirked. "Out of the closet?" I asked. Dan then jumped on top of me and began tickling my sides. Phil was tickling me too after a minute. "Now get out," Dan rolled his eyes and lightly shooed me out of their bedroom. "Says literally every Phangirl ever," I made one last comment and then ran to my bedroom before they could say anything. I chuckled to myself. They are such idiots. I put on my makeup and did my hair in a side braid. Then I realized I still had to put on my shirt. Well damn. I did the best I could to put on my plain black t-shirt and flowered leggings without messing up my hair. I ran into the lounge, completely forgetting to hide my scars. Even though most of them had pretty much faded, the deeper ones were still visible. I put on some Vans and then dragged Dan and Phil out the door. "Let's go!!" I yelled as I ran down the sidewalk. Neither of them were big runners or walkers...but luckily the bus stop isn't too far. Finally we reached our destination and I looked all around for Isaiah. "Kyra?" I heard someone call out from behind me. There he stood, his tan skin flowing perfectly with his green eyes and brown hair. I stood in awe. He smiled at me and I did the same back at him. Then another boy came up behind him and put his hand on his shoulder. They began talking and laughing together and when I realized who the boy was my heart fell to my feet and my breathing sped up. It was Drew. My old bully. I could feel panic rising beneath my skin but I stayed calm. Drew and Isaiah headed towards me and as soon as Drew and I made eye contact, a smirk fell upon his face. "Hey Kyra! You look really honestly. Sorry I'm awkward. Um, this is Drew, he's my brother, I wanted to meet you alone, it's just that my mom doesn't like the idea of me traveling alone. Sorry..." Isaiah began. I smiled at him. "No no your fine! And thank you," I told him. "So you wanna go grab something to eat?" He asked politely. I nodded and looked at Dan and Phil for approval. Once they nodded their heads as a reply, Isaiah slipped his hand in mine and I could feel myself blush. We reached the cafe and sat down. "I'll go order us something, what would you like? I'm paying by the way," he said. "First off, you don't have to pay for me. In fact I should pay for you. And second, I'm really not that hungry..." I lied. I had been doing really good with my eating and Dan and Phil didn't have to force me anymore but seeing Drew sparked something. "What all have you eaten today?" He raised his eyebrows at me, not buying my 'not hungry' bit. "Sorry, I have a younger sister who's anorexic. I'm just so used to having to ask...I didn't mean to come off as rude," he apologized sheepishly once he realized what he had just asked. "Oh no your fine, I'm actually aner-" I stopped myself. Maybe if I didn't tell him I could get away with not eating. "What's that?" He asked. "I-I um nothing. I was just saying your fine. Now go get some food. I'm really not hungry I swear," I spoke too quickly. "Kyra...are you anorexic too? Please tell me the truth. It's important for me to know. And plus, I know we met over the Internet but I kinda fell in love the minute we started messaging each other. And now meeting you in are even better than I imagined. I can't let you do that to yourself," he took me by my hands and held them tightly as he talked. I just shook my head because tears were filling in my eyes and I knew if I tried to speak it would just come out in tears. "Promise your just not hungry?" He asked. I nodded and he went to get his food.
*time skip*
We had just finished eating and Isaiah called Drew over from where he was sitting. He had met a group of teenage girls and automatically he went into action and began flirting. Typical player. "Ready to go?" Drew asked. "Yeah just let me run to the bathroom real quick. Sorry Kyra, be right back," he said and then headed towards the men's restroom. I chuckled at him. "Long time no see..." Drew began. I rolled my eyes. He grabbed my wrist harshly and squeezed it. I winced in pain as his nails dug into my skin. His eyes shot to my scars and he smirked. "Fucking emo piece of shit. You deserve every one of those scars. In fact you deserve even more than just those, they aren't enough. You'll always be fat. You'll always be ugly. And you'll always be worthless. So just do us all a fucking favor and kill yourself already," he finished right as Isaiah walked in. He noticed the tears in my eyes and gasped. "Kyra what happened?" He asked frantically. "Oh she just had something in her eye, I've been trying to help her get it out," Drew cut in. I just nodded. "Um...Dan and Phil are probably wondering where I am. I should probably get going, it was so nice getting to finally meet you Isaiah. Hopefully I'll see you again soon," I stood up and brushed off my leggings. Isaiah looked sad that I had to leave but he just pulled me into a hug. "We will most definitely see each other again soon Kyra. I'll call you later okay?" He smiled. I smiled back and then left. I texted Phil.
Kyra: Hey, I just left the coffee shop. I know you told me to wait for you guys but I'm tired and wanna go home. So I'll see you there.
Phil: Okay. How did it go?
Kyra: It went fine.
Phil: Kyra are you okay?
Kyra: Yes Phil I'm fine.
Phil: Alright...see you at home.
I didn't reply back and instead just ran home with tears falling down my cheeks.

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