Chapter 16

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***Phils POV***

"I understand if you are upset and you don't want to talk to me, but will you please come back home? I really want to make sure you're okay..."  I asked gently. She shook her head. "Please...I don't want to leave you here," I whispered. I didn't want to make her anymore upset then she already was. Plus, she had good reason to be angry so I wasn't going to try to change her mind. I thought about picking her up and carrying her. It wouldn't be hard to do, she weighed practically nothing. But I wanted her to make the decision to come home on her own, not forced. And I didn't want her to think I was taking this situation or her feelings as a joke, because it's not a joke. "Kyra...please," I continued speaking softly. I knew I needed to get home soon. Connor didn't know how to handle Dan the way I did. Nobody did. And the thought of him being alone in this state scared me...a lot. She finally stood up and we walked home together, but she didn't say a word or even walk next to me. I was hurt, but I knew she was upset, and I respected her. I don't deserve her trust at the moment and it would take a lot to earn it back. When we reached the house, Kyra sat down on the front porch. The fall breeze blew through her hair and she closed her eyes to keep tears from falling. "Please don't leave," I begged before running inside. "Connor?" I called out. No reply. I heard muffled sobs coming from upstairs causing me to panick. Had he done it again? I ran up to Dans room and pounded on his door. When he refused to open it I grabbed the key from my bedroom and opened the door myself. Luckily no blood was pouring from his wrists, only tears from his eyes. "Dan...where's Connor?" I asked. "H-he l-left" Dan stuttered through sobs. That made me mad. But I didn't have time to handle that right now. I pulled him into my arms and held him for a long time. "Dan you're okay, I promise. I'm here now. I won't leave you I swear. I'm so proud of you for not hurting yourself. You are amazing Daniel James Howell, I love you," I told him. He looked up and smiled at me. I wiped away his tears with my sleeve and kissed him on the nose. "Wait where's Kyra?!" He asked suddenly.  I entwined my fingers with his to soothe his anxiety. "She's on the porch. Would you like to speak with her?" I asked. He immediately stood up and headed for the door but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Dan, don't get upset if she doesn't talk to you, she didn't talk to me at all when I found her and she still hasn't yet," I warned. I could tell the fact that she was so hurt broke his heart by the look in his eyes. "Okay," he said and headed downstairs. 

***Dans POV***

I walked outside to see Kyra sitting on the porch step with her head down and her hood up. I sat down next to her and she didn't say a word. So I gently pulled her into my arms and let her cry. "I'm sorry Kyra," was all I could say. She showed no sigh of declining or accepting the apology but I didn't say anything about it. "I know you're mad at me, and that's okay. I deserve it. I lied to you and made Phil go along with it. And then I brought all the attention upon myself when it should have been on you because you deserve recovery just as much as I do. I'm really sorry. And I understand if you don't accept my apology," I explained. She looked me in the eyes. "I accept  your apology but you've lost my trust and I don't know if you or Phil will be getting it back anytime soon. Sorry, but I'm done trusting people. They always hurt me or leave me or bully me and I'm done." And with that, she went up the stairs to her room and didn't speak to us the rest of the night. 

  Sorry for the short chapters!! I'm having a bit of writers block...what do you guys want to happen? Maybe I'll take your ideas into consideration *wink wink* Well that's all for today so goodbye lovelies. And in case nobody told you today, you're beautiful. Oh and I've been meaning to tell you, if you are struggling please message me! I love talking to you guys!  Byeeeee!!!!! 

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