Chapter 19

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Alcohol. The smell lingered the air like a scented candle. Everyone around me was drunk. Including Evan. I was sat on the bed in between two 16 year old boys. They were taking turns kissing me, touching me. The disgusting smell proved that they were intoxicated. I was scared. I was tiny, I couldn't fight these guys. I stated to get up but they pulled me down, this time I lay flat on my back. They rubbed their hands up and down my thighs and when they reached my underwear line, I had had enough. "Get off me bitches!" I shouted, standing up with all the force I had. They began laughing hysterically which made me giggle, they we so wasted. I walked out of the room to see Evan sitting against the wall having a make out session with another girl. I was filled with hurt and anger but I didn't say anything. I went down the steps and into the crowded living room that was blaring music. I needed to get home. Shit. Dan and Phil are going to kill me. I looked at the time. 4:16 am. If I get home in the next 5 minutes and am able to sneak up to my room. I'll be fine. Even though I wasn't completely intoxicated, I had my fair share of drinks and the smell lingered in my breath. I headed towards the house. It was only a little ways away. I made it in two minutes. I snuck into the house and up to my room. I was able to get into my pajamas without being caught. But when I walked into the hallway to go to the bathroom, I came face to face with an angry looking boy in plaid pajama pants, a t-shirt and mismatched socks. His arms were crossed and he did not look happy. "Kyra Rose Lester," he began. "I told you that you were NOT allowed to go to that party," he explained. "But you went to the party anyways! And-" he stopped himself. "Kyra, do I smell alcohol?" He asked, raising his voice as he spoke. A tired looking Dan came shuffling out of his room, rubbing his eyes. "Dan go on back to bed," Phil told him gently like he was a child. He doesn't want him to get overwhelmed or frustrated in the middle of the night because in past experiences, Dan being overwhelmed has not ended well. Dan nodded and went back into his room. Phil took my arm and lead me into my bedroom. He sat me down on the bed next to him and looked me in the eyes. He raised his eyebrows. He was waiting for an answer to his question, "I-I...." I stuttered. I began to cry. Phil's expression softened but I knew that crying would not get me out of trouble. I had really messed up. What was I even doing getting into trouble like this? Why didn't I just listen to Dan and Phil? Phil gently placed his hand on my back and traced lines and circles with his fingers. He does this when I'm upset. It calms me down. I gradually stopped crying and was able to look up at him again. "Kyra? Why didn't you just listen to me and Dan?" He asked. "I-I don't know..." I said truthfully. He sighed. "Did you drink alcohol Kyra?" He asked. I looked down at the floor and nodded. He didn't say anything for a moment. "Go on to bed. We can speak more about this in the morning okay?" He told me. I nodded. He tucked me in and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep, dreading the morning. 

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