Chapter 20

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"Daniel James Howell don't you dare go in there!" I woke up to Dan bursting into my room, Phil soon following. "Are you kidding me Kyra?" Dan snapped. I sat up, slightly scared. "Dan..." Phil whispered, placing his hand on his shoulder. "I-I uh...I'm...I-" I stuttered. "You fucking drank alchol! Shit Kyra, what are you gonna do next? Sex?! Or did you do that last night too?!" Dan shouted loudly. "Dan! Go downstairs and take a break. Right now!" He spoke to Dan as if he was his own child. Dan let out a huff of frustration but did as Phil had told him to. "I'm sorry about him Kyra. He's just worried about you. It scares him to think you were out in the middle of the night surrounded by people drinking alcohol without us there," he explained. I wiped underneath of my eyes to dry the slight tears that had welled up. Phil frowned. "It's okay my love," he whispered into my ear and pulled me close. "I didn't mean to mess up so bad Phil. I just really wanted to go to that party. I mean Evan said there would be some drinking but I didn't have to have any if I didn't feel comfortable. I didn't plan on even trying one, I just got carried away," I told him. He nodded. "I understand darling. It'll be okay. I can't say he won't be upset but once he calms down he will be more conscious with his word choice," Phil said. Just as he finished speaking, Dan walked in. "I'm sorry for what I said a few minutes ago Ky, I really don't mean to come off like that. I just got upset and yeah...I'm sorry," Dan apologized. Phil smiled proudly. "It's alright Dan, I understand," I accepted his apology kindly. "Now, Kyra, you aren't going to get away this easily. Although we aren't mad at you, you still disobeyed us. While you were asleep, Phil blocked your internet, social media, and texting on your phone and laptop. We will unblock everything in a couple days, whenever we think you have learned your lesson," Dan explained. I nodded in agreement. "I have good news to lighten up the moment," I stated. They smiled at me. "Go on," Phil said. "I'm 1 month clean. And I'm almost up to a healthy weight for my age," I told them. Their faces brightened and Phil lifted me into a hug. Dan spun me around the room like you would do to a toddler causing me to giggle. "We are so proud of you lovely!" Phil exclaimed and Dan agreed. I smiled and hugged them both once more. "I told you that you can win this fight," Dan said in his sassy told-you-so tone but still as a compliment. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Yeah, maybe I can win this fight.

Sorry it's so short! I promise next few chapters will be longer and more eventful! And if it takes me a long time updating for a while throughout the book, I really do apologize! My social anxiety is catching up with me and I'm working on recovery from self harming. I made it to almost a month but then messed up and so I was really mad at myself but I started again yesterday and I am now two days clean. I'm hoping to reach a month this time. Message me if you need to talk darlings. I'm always here. You are so beautiful and deserve to smile! Remember that I love you and God loves you, okay? Even when it seems like no one does.

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