Chapter 27

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"Awe thank you guys!" I shouted while hugging them all back. "We thought we would have a little party for you because we are so glad you're back home. Oh and because...IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!" Dan screamed. I chuckled at him. "Oh yeah...I forgot," I said honestly. "HOW CAN YOU FORGET YOUR OWN BIRTHDAY?!" Tyler inquired loudly. I thought for a moment...Maybe because my mom was an addict and a drunk and she didn't give a shit about me so we never celebrated it..."I don't know I guess I just did," I finally let out. Everyone laughed and then went back to mingling. When I got the chance, I snuck up to my room, I'm really not in the mood for this.
**Dan's POV**
  I searched the room for Phil. I needed to tell him what the doctors said about Kyra. At last, I found him in the kitchen...eating MY cereal, of course. "Philip!" I scolded him before forcing the cereal box out of his hand and back into our pantry. He stuck out his bottom lip to pout so I lightly kissed his nose. He smiled at me, making me blush. I snapped out of my love struck daze and remembered Kyra. "So Phil, the doctor came to talk to me when we were leaving the hospital and she told me some important stuff for us to know. First off, Ky's improved a lot...but she's not completely better. She will most likely try to skip meals again or if we force her to eat, try to throw them up afterwards. She'll also probably relapse a few times over the course of the next few months. This is all normal in this stage of recovery but it still needs to be taken care of. So, for her anorexia, if she tries to skip meals then we refuse to let her leave her seat until she's eaten a good amount. And if we notice that every time we eat, she goes to use the restroom, then we confront her and tell her she is not to go to the restroom after she eats unless accompanied by one of us. And we have to follow through with it no matter her protests. When it comes to the self harming, we keep any sharp objects out of reach but if she manages to find a way to hurt herself, we immediately find the object and take it away, maybe even search her room. Once we've taken care of that, we talk her through it. She's on a high dosage of both pills to help with anxiety and anti-depressants, both of which we need to keep somewhere safe along with anything else triggering. I know that seems like a lot, but Phil, she's come a long way, and she's doing so much better," I explained. "I agree, I'm so proud. And it sounds like a plan," he smiled. I brushed the hair out of his face and cupped his cheeks in my hand. "You are so adorable Philip Michael Lester," I told him. "Right back at ya Daniel James Howell," he winked. I rolled my eyes at him. "I love you dork," I kissed his forehead. "I love you more you potato," he remarked. I burst into laughter. "Really Phil? Potato? You have to be kidding," I replied in disbelief. "Nope, you are without a doubt a potato," he said matter-of-factly. "Have you seen Kyra?" Caspar interrupted. I scanned the room but she was out of sight. I could feel my heart drop. Where is she?

Okay sorry it took me so long to update. I just got home from my friends bat mitzvah and so I'm so exhausted and then this past Friday was my birthday!! I'm 14 yay!! Okay well I'm tired...goodbye lovelies. I love you all!!!

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