Chapter 5

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I woke up to Shawn Mendes playing through the speakers of my phone. I reached over to turn off my alarm but instead just knocked my phone off the table. I groaned and put a pillow over my face. It's too early in the morning to be living already. I got out of bed and picked up my phone which somehow managed to make its way right in the center beneath my bed. I turned off the alarm and plugged in my headphones. Buck Wild blasted through my headphones. I got caught up in the song and ended up dancing around my room. And that's hard to do considering my room is basically a closet with a desk and a bed. I opened up the bathroom door and went inside. I did my morning ritual in less the 10 minutes(meaning in half an hour.) I washed my face, put on mascara, put on some Chapstick, pulled my hair up in a ponytail and brushed my teeth. I came back out of the bathroom and opened my suitcase. I pulled out some jean shorts and a big sweatshirt. I got dressed and stuck my phone in the front pocket of my sweatshirt, headphones still on. I sighed and pulled my sleeves down to my fingertips. Someone knocked on the door before I could open it. I opened the door to see Josh standing with a grin on his face. "Morning sunshine." He smirked. "You legit look like a rapist when you do that Josh. Oh and morning." I patted him on the shoulder and made my way past him and towards the stairs. I barely made it to the first step before Josh grabbed my arm and pulled me back. A stampede of kids came running down the steps. "Well this rapist legit just saved your life." He snapped back. We both laughed and he put me on his back. "Where shall I take you my beautiful princess?" He asked. I laughed. It felt like we were little again. He's doing his best to keep me smiling. God if he saw my arm...he would kill me and then kill himself. "Kyra you alright?" He asked. I snapped out of my thoughts quickly. "Oh yeah sorry. Off to breakfast!" I shouted. He ran down the stairs and into the large cafeteria. He set me down at the end of the line and handed me a paper plate off the table. The lady was serving eggs, bacon and biscuits. At the end of the table were containers of yogurt. When Josh wasn't looking I skipped to the end of the table and threw away my plate. I grabbed a bottle of water and found an empty seat. 3 or 4 minutes later, Josh came and sat down next to me. He set down a full plate in front of me and another one in front of himself. "I'm not an idiot Kyra. Eat. And you're not leaving that seat until you do." He threatened. I gave him a dirty look but he responded with a wink. "Love ya sis." He kissed my forehead. I laid my head on his shoulder. "Okay get off me." He said. I ignored him and used my fork to play with my food. "Kyra I'm not kidding. You will not leave that chair unless at least half of that food goes into your digestive system." He warned. I chuckled but I knew he was being completely serious. I once ended up sitting at the kitchen table for three hours straight because I was on a 'diet.' I know he's not embarrassed to wait with me until I eat. I accepted the fact I would be here forever if I didn't at least take a few bites and so I went ahead and ate. I only ate half of my eggs and I just picked at my biscuit but Josh knew I was doing my best so he let me up. "Kyra how are you not freaking burning up in that sweatshirt?" He asked and fanned himself with his hand while we walked back upstairs to our rooms. I couldn't figure out what to say so I just shrugged. He raised his eyebrow but brushed it off and went into his room.

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