Chapter 31

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*Phil's POV*
I wake up earlier than Dan. He's laying in bed next to me, his head on my chest. Gently, I run my fingers through his hair. "You are so beautiful..." I whisper so I won't wake him. I softly plant a kiss on his forehead before sneaking out of bed and into the kitchen. I get out all kinds of ingredients in order to make pancakes. It takes me about 15 minutes to make them and I'm placing them onto plates just as Dan walks in. "Hello Daniel," I smile at him. "Hi Philip," he says back groggily. He has a raspy morning voice, I find it adorable. "You made breakfast?" He asks. "Yep. Eat up, we have big plans today," I say. He tilts his head, as a way of asking me what I am talking about. "I can't tell you what they are," I smirk at him. "If we were still in the UK than we could be going to the London Eye," he notes. "Dan, we came here so we could adopt Kyra. Josh trusts us with his little sister. We shouldn't complain," I reprimand him as if he is a whining child. He fiddles with his hands in shame. I smirk. I'm so glad I can call him mine. He looks up at me, his chocolate brown eyes taking my breath away. He looks as if he is about to speak, but he just goes back to eating. Once we finish, he starts to go upstairs to get ready but I stop him. "Just stay in your pajamas and hobbit hair. I love you just like that," I say. He groans but does as I tell him to. I lead him outside and we start to walk down the street. "Wait Phil I'm not going out like this," he protests. I pout at his words. "Please, you look really cute," I tell him and stick my bottom lip out. He rolls his eyes and places his hand back in mine. Our fingers are intertwined as we walk continue to walk. We don't live on a main road, so only a few cars pass by. I take him to a park hidden back in the woods that I found. The trees are just beginning to lose their leaves so there are piles of yellow, brown and red leaves scattered everywhere. "Phil why are we here?" Dan asks. I ignore him and walk farther into the woods until we come to a large opening where we are only surrounded by trees and colorful leaves. Dan looks around and smiles. "This is so pretty," he comments and then continues to observe his surrounding. I feel the adrenaline pumping inside of me. This is it Phil. Do it now. I reach into my back pocket when he isn't paying attention and pull out the small box that contains the biggest commitment I've ever made. I get down on one knee and open the box in anticipation for him to turn around. He bends over to pick up one of the leaves that seems to fascinate him. "Phil look at th-" he stops mid sentence and covers his mouth with his hand. His eyes swell up with tears as well as mine. "Dan, I've been deeply in love with you since the moment I met you in 2009. Through the years I've seen you in your worst, crying in the corner, clutching anything sharp you could find tightly in your fist. And I've seen you in your best, laughing and making videos, meeting fans and doing what you love. And not once, through any of that, have I questioned the way I have felt towards you. You are perfect to me. And I love you. So Daniel James Howell, will you please marry me?"

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