Chapter 4

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I watched as the police car drove off with my mom in the back seat. They found her stash of drugs in the kitchen and well...yeah. They were questioning Josh because I had refused to answer any of their questions. One of the police officers came over and told me to go upstairs and pack. Once I finished packing I came back downstairs and sat on the couch. I zoned out and imagined myself sitting alone in a foster home, far away from my brother. If I get separated from him...I don't know what I'll do. "Hey Kyra, come over here." Josh snapped me out of my daydream. I looked up at him and he smiled faintly. I didn't smile back. We were taken outside and put in the backseat of a black Mercedes Benz. I buckled my seatbelt without a word and looked out the window. Josh put my hand in his and I squeezed him tightly to keep myself from crying. "It's gonna be okay Ky. I promise." He looked me in the eyes. "I will protect you. I won't let us be separated. Just trust me little sis..." He whispered. I didn't say anything. The driver pulled into the parking lot of a run-down building. Saint Cecilia's. I grabbed Josh's leg to keep myself steady. He pulled me in for a hug and held me close to his side. We got out of the car and followed the man who brought us up the steps. He took us inside and had us sit on a wooden bench up against the wall. The building was run-down on the inside too. The carpet was screwed up and stained. Kids were running around screaming and playing games. The wallpaper was dirty and torn. A young woman came over to us. "Hi! I'm Everly. I'll be the one taking care of you guys." She explained with a smile. She was really pretty and she looked to be in her twenties. I looked over at Josh who was obviously checking her out. I elbowed him in the side and he shot me a dirty look. I smirked at him. Everly shook her head and chuckled. "Cmon I'll show you guys your rooms." She said. We followed her up the steps to a long hallway with many doors. It was basically a really crappy hotel. Josh and I had rooms straight across from each other, thank God. I looked at my phone to check the time. 8:53. "Okay you guys can go ahead and get settled in your rooms for the night. Breakfast is at 7:45. Be downstairs at 7:40. See you in the morning. If you need anything just text me okay? My number should be written down on a piece of paper on your desk." She told us. "Okay. Thank you." Josh thanked her and followed me into my room. "Josh I wanna be alone. Please...I'm sorry." I told him. "Just...text me if you need me and I'll be right over." He said. I nodded and he left. As soon as he was gone I took out a pencil sharpener blade and rolled up my sleeve. I was shaking really bad from anxiety so I could barely hold it in my hand. I made three cuts before putting it back into my suitcase. I went into the bathroom and cleaned up my arm. I came out of the bathroom and got into bed. I set my phone alarm for 7:00 and by 9:15 I had fallen asleep. The sheets were cold but they were the only comfort I had.

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