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Guys I hate to keep doing this to you, I mean I feel awful. This is the fourth A/N in a row and I'm really sorry I haven't posted a new chapter. Im so so so sorry. I will try to as soon as I can but that may not be until next weekend I'm sorry. On another note, is pinching yourself considered a form of self harm...? I hope not. And...I'm sorry, but I think I might cut again soon. I'm trying really really hard not to but for me the week before I reach a month is normally the hardest and it's even harder then it was last time for some reason. I keep reading your lovely comments and they make me feel so much better, but all these other voices...I just, I don't know. But I keep remembering that my dream job is to help teens who self harm/have suicidal thoughts, and if I were to stop living(which don't worry I don't plan on doing unless it's naturally and in 60 years) than I wouldn't be able to do that. Ugh...I need to listen to TØP.

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