Chapter 8

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Han was currently laying down on his side, asleep. The person next to him, Lee Minho, had his hands wrapped around the smaller boys waist, using his other hand to caress his side softly.

If Minho was being honest, everything felt so strange about last night. It confused him to the bitter core. He wanted it, but now there was lingering feelings in the air. He knew he felt more then what he had
with Han, he knew it felt more than just sex.

Minho sighed softly. He brought Han more closer in, causing Han to shift a little bit, but he soon relaxed feeling the older boys touched. Minho didn't understand, and he hated that he didn't. He felt so out of control.

Hans eyes slowly started to open. His vision was blurry.

Last night had felt like such a daze for the boys, it didn't feel like actual sex they're used to having.

Han turned around and made eye contact with a sleepy Minho. Minho smiled softly.

"Morning." Minho said. He brought his hand up and started brushing Hans bangs out of his face. Once Jisungs hair was out of his face, he could really see Minho and his features. Han smiled upon seeing this.

Han brought himself closer, nuzzling his head on Minhos chest.

"You still tired? Are you feeling alright?" Minho asked whilst rubbing Hans back in a soothing way. Han hummed. "Yeah, I'm always tired. I sleep without even being tired. . ." Han muttered. Han was so warm and Minho was cold. It was a perfect feeling.

Minho could've sworn he felt himself drifting back off to sleep before his phone started ringing beside him. He groaned annoyed and turned to grab it. He still had one of his hands on Han though.

Minho raised his eyebrow. "Seungmin?" Minho mumbled quietly. He answered and sat up, rubbing Hans arm softly. Han was to tired to focus on anything.

"What do you want?" Minho asked annoyed.

"Boss wanted me to tell you- wait did you just wake up?"

Seungmin asked surprised on the other line. Minho took a deep breath out.

"Yeah, a few minutes ago. What did boss want?"

"He wanted me to tell you that we're having a race with Company A. It's a super big event, it's happening a few weeks from now."

Minho straightened his posture. Han looked at him weirdly.

"Okay. Talk to you later bye." Minho hung up on him. Han rested his chin on Minhos chest. Minho sighed out loudly.

"What happened?" Han asked, making a confused look. Minho couldn't even lie, he looked adorable.

"I guess I'll tell you." Minho said as he rubbed Hans head. "Since you're gonna know anyway."

"There's a event happening soon. Company A racing against Company B. I assume you're gonna be there?" Han lifted himself up. He smiled. "Of course I am. Obviously. I'm just curious as to why he would want to race all of a sudden after a year after not doing so." Han didn't want to think about it to much. Minho just shrugged.

"I think I know where it's at. If you get dressed, I can take you there. It won't be set up or anything right now, but you'll know where it is." Han perked up and rolled out of bed.

"I'll get in the shower- get me clothes!" Han said running out of the room.

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"Wait! Let me shower with you!" Minho said jumping up from the bed.

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