Chapter 31

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. . .

"Agh. . . Mm." Han moaned out quietly as he opened his eyes. He felt a heavy weight on his chest and immediately knew Felix was there, so he tried not to move to much.

"Mmmm." Han moaned out once more as he opened his eyes fully, adjusting to the bright white room that was decorated to fit Felix's mothers tastes.

Han took notice of a painting on the wall, it was a rose. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but you could tell it was definitely made from a toddler. Hans best guess was that Felix made it for her when he was little. It was very cute for sure.

Han then drew his gaze on the multiple flowers that were placed beside her. There was a variety of colors, starting from a bouquet of blue, red, and white flowers and then going to single roses and so forth.

He also noticed the letters. He remembered Felix mentioning that they couldn't bring a lot of letters anymore as she's been having trouble getting up nowadays. He said that most of her days were spent sleeping.

Han let out a sigh. He was feeling oddly empty. He felt no emotion at that moment, he felt so done with all the issues that had been happening the past few days that he just wanted to empty everything out. It felt better this way anyway.

Han felt bored though, but with Felix asleep he didn't want to do something that would disturb his slumber so he just sat there, brushing his hands through his hair.

Han stared lifelessly at the ceiling, spacing out and completely forgetting about his surroundings all together. He was in his own little bubble, excluding Felix.

However, Han was popped out of his bubble when he heard rather loud talking and footsteps approaching the room.

He couldn't make out exactly who it was but as it drew nearer he could tell right off the bat who they were.

"Hanni!" A familiar face popped through the door, Hyunjin. He had tiny brides in his hair, he was looking rather adorable. As for the person behind him, Chan, looked the same as always. Same black clothes and blonde curly hair.

"Hyunjin!" Han whispered yelled as not to awake the two sleeping people in the room at that time.

Hyunjin scurried over to Han and Felix, wrapping one arm around Han and putting one hand on Felix's back. Chan stayed in the back admiring them. He loved them all so very much, even if he loved Hyunjin a bit more than he should've he stilled loved them all equally.

Chan silently made his way to Felix's mom to place a bouquet of fresh flowers next to her. He then patted her hand before turning around to go over to his "crew."

"Hey, Channie Hyung." Han greeted with a smile, which Chan returned with a warmer smile.

He sat himself on the arm of the chair next to their feet, admiring how Hyunjin and Han were talking about things that had been happening in their lives, and also some complaining due to them not seeing each other as often as they used to.

"No it has been crazy for real. Like the realness level has to be atleast 110%!" Han exclaimed whilst throwing one of his hands up in the air.

"No for real? I was so shocked when I heard you and Minho fighting, I was like wow!"

"Also, have you heard of the drama at the company?" Han shook his head rapidly. "No, explain right now." Han demanded. "Okay, so like basically-"

Chan was quite shocked at the fact Felix was still fast asleep amongst all this talking. Felix was never known to be the one to be a heavy sleeper, he only ever slept this heavy when he was very worn out and tired to the brink of exhaustion, so he couldn't imagine what might've happened the night prior for this to happen to Felix.

"And apparently things were said about the boss hooking up with this girl, but he's married! That's so crazy, but the evidence is just to true to be fake." Hyunjin whispered yelled at Han who was nodding the entire time, immersed into this story that he believed to be real.

"Oh, Han! I got the nail polish from Minhos. What do you want me to do with it?" Chan asked as he pulled the seemingly beautiful nail polish out of his back pocket. Hans eyes beemed once he saw it. It felt like a fragment from Minho although it hasn't even been 24 hours since he last saw him.

"Thank you so so much Chan." Han smiled softly. "You can put it next to my stuff over there." Han pointed his finger towards the corner of his room where all that layed was a hoodie he was wearing the night prior. He considered it as his stuff, however.

Chan complied and swiftly made his way to to the hoodie and gently placed the nail polish down. Afterwards, he made his way back over to the boys.

A few more minutes had passed by before Felix started stirring in his sleep, eventually waking up.

Felix moved his head off of Hans chest, making direct eye contact with a smiling Han. "Heyyy, Lix." Han said sweetly. "Felix!" Hyunjin threw himself around Felix who already had Hans arms wrapped around him.

"Emmm. Get off-" Felix lazily mumbled, making Chan let out a sweet chuckle. "Felix, how're you feeling?" Chan gently patted his lower back.

Before Felix could even manage to answer he had to pry Hyunjin off of him.

Which he successfully did.

"I'm ok." Felix sat himself up, rubbing his eyes. "That's good. Are you excited about the race?" Chan asked, making Felix gulp as memories of last night started rushing through his head. "Uhm, not. . really." Felix answered hesitantly. "What? Why not?" Hyunjin had asked. "Well i-"

"It's gonna be like any other race, the only major thing about it is that we're going up against a rival company." Han answered for Felix.

"True true." Hyunjin grumbled out as he threw his head onto Hans chest, knocking the wind out of Han. "Eugg- Jeez dude!" Han lightly smacked his head. "Ow!" Hyunjin rubbed the side of his head.

"Ooooh my." Chan mumbled to himself quietly while watching the two bicker.

At least Han was getting better.

From what others could see, at least.


Minno threw himself onto his couch, staring into nothingness. Chan came over  like ten or so minutes ago to pick up nail polish for Han, so he just stayed awake to take care of his cats and to clean up the mess him and Changbin made last night.

Thankfully the company was allowing the racers to have a day off due to the race that's happening in half a day, so he could ensure that they had a lot of rest.

Minho hated it, however.

He felt like when he was at work he didn't have to always feel so burdened with the thoughts of Han. He didn't have time to think and sulk about Han when he was at work cause he had things that needed to be done. When he's at his house however, he always seems to think about Han.

He was so precious and sensitive, he felt like he needed to be there to protect him.

If he wasn't with Han 24/7, someone could hurt him. He wanted that to be avoided as much as possible.

"Goodness." Minho sighed out, pinching the bridge of his nose. His mind was always clouded with Jisung, it was getting annoying at this point.

Whatever was he going to do?


Word Count-1288


I've been gone for like, three weeks?? Sorry

The next chapter should be longer---

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