Chapter 24

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"Oh you have got to be kidding me." Chan groaned out as he pinched his nose. "What? It's totally reasonable." Jeongin crossed his arms. "I never said it wasn't, I'm saying the way you found the address is psychopathic behavior." Jeongin rolled his eyes. "To be one hundred percent fair I did not find the address, I found the street." Minho bit his lip to control his laughter that was begging to fall out.

How did Chan even end up here? Well, ya see it went a little like-


The boys were getting some water after walking for about twenty minutes, Han was trying to forget about what had happened and chose to nag at Felix as to what he talked about with Minho, however he would always dismiss it and try to talk about something else.

Hyunjin sat on the cooler next to Chan.

"Channie, I think we need to talk." Chan looked at him, wrapping a secure arm around his waist. "Sure, what's bothering you?" Chan flashed him a smile. "Well I thin-"

"Fuck off!" Felix yelled, causing Chan and Hyunjin to look over, only to see Changbin with an arm around Felix. "Calm your tits sunshine, I'm only saying hi like you did." Felix rolled his eyes as Han giggled at the two.

"Chan get him off me." Felix pouted. Chan sighed once more, feeling tired of dealing with everyone today. "Changbin hands off." Chan demanded, to which Changbin didn't respond. "Yoh, Chan meet Minho in the back. I can take care of these three, although this ones feisty." Felix pinched his hand causing Changbin to remove his hand. "Ow! Told you." Changbin rubbed his hand as he winced in pain. "Don't do that sweetie, it makes you sour." Felix scrunched up his face. "Uhm, ew."

At this point Han was a laughing mess along with Hyunjin. Chan removed his arm off of Hyunjin and gave a quick kiss on his cheek. "I'll be right back."

Hyunjin nodded and smiled at him. "See ya."


And now, here was Chan. Listening to Jeongins crazy talk.

It turns out Jeongin found out what Minho and him talked about, so he chose to stalk the shit out of Han, and learned what he called 'history' about his family and found out the street.

"That doesn't mean you stalk people to find it, I had it covered." Chan slumped his shoulders forward. "But I found it!" Jeongin defended himself. "Minho, I did a great job right? Praise me!" Minho scrunched his face. "Okay. Good job." Minho patted his shoulder, while Chans face twisted into disgust. "Minho why would you praise stalking?"

Minho gave him a sly look. "Just try and guess."

"Lemme guess, you've done shit like this in the past." Minho smiled. "Bingo." Chan had no clue as to why they were normalizing this, it was insane. "Anyway, I have a plan and you need to not interrupt and actually listen. That goes for you as well, Jeongin."

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