Chapter 38

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Han was warm, his whole body was warm. He hadn't felt this type of warmth before. It was like a new one, it felt like happiness and relieve.

He snuggled closer into this new sense of warmth, the warmth that seeped through his body sending a new wave of happiness throughout his body.

Han didn't want to let go of this. But, he did when he felt soft and gentle movements move across his arm.

Han slowly opened his eyes, being met with beautiful brown eyes that were shining.

"M-Minho?" Han asked while rubbing his eyes.

"Yes?" Minho answered to Hans sleeply call.

"What time is it?" Han asked, looking at Minhos hand on his arm making soft circles. "It's almost 10." Minho replied. "Do you have anywhere to be?" Han asked, looking at Minho now. Minho shook his head. "No. Do you?"

Han technically had work to do today, but he didn't feel like showing up. Especially after all the bullshit his boss pulled the night prior. "Technically, yes but, I'm not going anywhere." Han answered while staring at Minho with a determined look, the look indicating that he definitely wasn't leaving Minhos side. Minho chuckled softly at Hans look. It was rather cute. Minho placed a kiss on the top of Hans head.

Hans body softened. He wasn't exactly used to Minho kissing him just yet. "Are you feeling okay?" Han asked, recalling the events from the night before. Minho had to be sore.

"I'm ok. Just a little sore." Han furrowed his brows. "Are you sure it's only a little sore? I bet you are hurting a lot." Han pulled back slightly to touch Minhos cheek with his fingertip, he was so worried about him. He wanted him to be ok.

Minhos body softened feeling the warm, soft touch from Han. It reminded him of his mothers touch so much, he just wanted to continue to feel this warmth. "I'm sure, don't worry." Minho placed his hand on Hans hand, the hand that was touching his cheek. Minho stared at Han with nothing but pure love and affection inside his eyes, they were shining, shining as if a billion stars found their way inside his eyes and formed a beautiful constellation.

"You're so fucking gorgeous." Minho said with a straight face, admiring the beauty in front of him. Hans face turned a light shade of red. "Oh. . Thank you, Minho." Han gave a nervous smile. "You don't have to thank me if it's the truth." Minho pulled Hans head into his chest. Han was slightly taken aback, but soon relaxed in his touch. Han wrapped his arms around Minho, pulling even closer.

Minho lightly played with Hans blue hair, Minho was definitely very, very sore but he didn't want Han to know that. He didn't want to worry Han, he wanted him to remain calm and relaxed.

Time went by, multiple minutes had passed as the two boys stayed snuggled up close to eachother, both boys scared of letting go.

Han pulled his head back slightly, only enough to where he could look up and see Minhos face. "Lino? Are you awake?"

"I've been playing with your hair this whole time. Yes, Jisung I'm awake." Han chuckled at Minhos sarcastic tone. "I was wondering, I mean if you're up for it that is, if you could drive me to work?" Minho became confused. "I thought you didn't want to go anywhere today?"

"I didn't, but there's some unfinished business I need to take care of. You can wait in the car if you take me, I won't be long." Han said whilst looking up at Minho. Minhos eyes were slightly covered by his long brown hair.

"Mmm, sure. It may take me a minute to get up but I'll do it." Minho didn't care how much pain he was in, he'd do anything Han had asked for. Even if it meant making this whole world turn into his enemy, he'd do it.

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