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Chapter 20.



"No matter what happens between us, I  will always love you."

Was the last thing the boy said before pulling completely away from Jisung. Minho stared at him for a few more moments before getting off his bed and walking down the hall to the bathroom, where he brushed his teeth and washed his  face. He also tamed down his bed hair before making his way downstairs and plopping himself on the couch, mentally dreading everything.

He knew Han needed love, but he couldn't be the person to give it to him. And he hated himself for that. "Shittttt." Minho huffed out, throwing his whole body back on the couch. He hated thinking to much, it hurt his brain.

"Meow." Minho looked down and saw his cat, Dori who was meowing up at him. His tail was swinging back and fourth slowly as he looked at Minho with big eyes. Minho sighed and patted his head before standing up and going into the kitchen to feed his three loving cats.

The entire time he was fixing their food he couldn't stop thinking about Han, he couldn't get him out of his mind yet he was right upstairs.

Minho was so caught up in his own thoughts that everything around him got canceled out. All his mind was focused on was the cat food and Han Jisung, he didn't even notice the sounds of somebody coming down the stairs.

Minho jumped when he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. He spun around and saw a confused Han.

"Minho, what's wrong? Why are you jumpy?" Han asked, his hand still placed firmly on Minhos shoulder. "Nothings wrong, I was just thinking." Minho answered, patting the youngers hip before turning around and grabbing the plates with the cats food on it and placed them one by one on the floor.

The second the food was on the floor the cats ran to eat. Jisung smiled seeing how cute the cats were. "Their so adorable." Han beemed at the animals, bending down and watching the cats contentily. Minho felt another sting in his heart. If this is what love feels like, I don't want to feel it.

"Honey, I need to talk to you." Minho bent down beside him, talking softly. He put a comforting hand on Hans back, slowly rubbing circles. Han looked at him, realizing how he wasn't staring at him which is fine, he just looked lost. "Lino?" Han called out, causing Minho to snap out of it.

"Jisung, let's talk." Minho stood up, reaching his hand out for Han to hold, which Han quickly took.

Minho lifted the younger and led him to the couch, sitting down with Han next to him. Han threw his legs over Minho, scooting his body closer to Minhos.

"Minho you're acting weird this morning. You're kinda freaking me out." Han stated half joking, half serious. Minho didn't look Han in the eye, he only looked down at the others legs that were thrown on his lap.

"Lino? What's wrong?" A wave of worry flew through the young boy, Minho was acting strange and it was really starting to freak him out. Minho gently put his hand on Hans leg, moving his thumb back and forth.

"Jisung, do you like me?" Han was taken aback at the sudden question, he wasn't expecting it. "Uh, maybe?"

Minho sighed and finally made eye contact with Jisung. "I want a yes or no. I don't need a maybe." Han swallowed nervously. "Why do you need to know?" Minho smiled, but it wasn't the type of smile that Han would call nice or sweet.

"Are you serious? We kiss and I let you stay at my place, you sleep in my bed and I fucked you. Of course I would like to know. If you don't even like me then what is all of this even for?" Han felt his breath hitch.

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