The Robotniks (and Belle Tinker's) Sibling dance

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Orbot: Siblings!
Cubot: Siblings!
Belle: Siblings!
Sage: Siblings!

Orbot and Cubot: (while pointing at Sage and Belle) These are our sisters!

Belle and Sage: (while pointing at Orbot and Cubot) These are our brothers!

All: We are siblings and we care for each other.

Sage: Everything we own,

Belle: We always share.

Orbot: Because we are siblings,

Cubot: And we have the same hair.

All: ...

Belle: I like knitting,

Sage: And I like loads,

Orbot and Cubot: We both came out of the same code.
If you don't like siblings, just give us a chance.

Sage and Belle: We'll impress you with our sibling dance.

All: (dancing)

Belle: (points at Metal) Hey, what's that?

Sage: We have an oldest brother.

Orbot: You thought there was four,

Cubot: But there is another.

Orbot, Cubot and Sage: He's always busy and he has blue hair,
But he's one of us so we don't care!
(While dancing around Metal with Belle) Come on, Metal,
Snap outta that trance!
It's time to do the sibling d—

Metal: GUYS! GUYS! I'm very busy right now and don't have time to do the sibling dance!

All except Metal: 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Metal: Groan! Fine.

All: (dancing)

Belle: Sometimes I think I can talk to plants.

All: Come on, let's do the sibling dance!

Metal: The void of space is a vast expanse.

All: Come on, let's do the sibling dance!

Eggman: (smiles to himself while recording his kids dancing)

All: Come on, let's do the sibling dance!
Siblings! (Hug each other)

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