Spirit: Dad, I need your help approving ships again!
Knuckles: (takes a sip of coffee) You have my attention.
Spirit: (shows a picture of Komaru and Toko)
Knuckles: Awww! What an adorable ship! (Stamps) Approved!
Spirit: (shows a picture of Hifumi and Sakura)
Knuckles: Look at her, she was once so proud. (Gives the picture back to Spirit) I don't want you showing such an atrocity to me again!
Spirit: (tears the picture) Yes, Daddy. (Shows a picture of Kyoko and Togami)
Knuckles: Hmm, I dunno...
Spirit: Ok, how about this? (Shows a picture of Kyoko and Makoto)
Knuckles: (claps) Excellent ship! Approved!! (Stamps)
Spirit: Uh huh? How about this? (Shows a picture of Monaca and Junko)
Knuckles: No! (Writes on some paper and stamps) It's now illegal to use this ship!!!!
Spirit: (pulls the picture away) Ok, ok, how about this? (Shows a picture of Junko and Mukuro)
Knuckles: (stamping repeatedly) No ship! No ship! No ship! No ship! NO SHIP!!!!
Spirit: (waves her hands) Ok, I'm sorry, this is the last one with Junko in, promise. (Shows a picture of Junko and Hajii)
Knuckles: Don't know the man, no time to learn who he is, approved. (Stamps) What's next?
Spirit: (shows a picture of Hajime and Chiaki)
Knuckles: Oh, that's totally getting approved! (Goes to stamp, but sees he's out of ink) Chaos damn it! Not again!
Rogue: (enters with a new vile of ink) I could hear your stamps from upstairs.
Knuckles: (kisses Rogue and stamps before giving the picture back to Spirit)
Spirit: Alright! Now how about this? (Shows a picture of Sonia and Gundam)
Knuckles: (happily) Approved~! (Stamps)
Spirit: One more. (Shows a picture of Monotaro and Emily)
Knuckles: (stamps, his left arm now white) Approved.
Spirit: (cheerfully) Thank you, daddy! (Kisses him on the hand)