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[harry's pov].

A sip of water to cool the pain; hurt.
Only something a bit stronger would
fully numb this feeling inside of me.
But I cooly play with the clear
liquid inside of my cup whilst watching her pretend to be in love.
God, it's truly entertaining.
Out of the corner of my eyes
she sits too close with the arm of another draped across her shoulders.
On my shoulders, the weight
of the world is crushing me.

"Why so glum?" Niall teases with
his lips curled into an intoxicated
smile, traces of liquor sit still on the plump flesh of his lips.

"It's my party,
yet I can't find the joy in it,"
I slump my body over the kitchen
counter and groan loudly.
A hand brushes my back,
trying to comfort my melancholy.

"At least pretend to have fun.
Put on a good show," he says
into a new cup of brown liquid.

"Always," I sigh as Ally dances
lazily past us.
Her arms float gently above her head as her hips sway rhythmically to the beat of
her own music.
I grin, watching her eyelids flutter
gently as she entertains herself
in this drunken state.

"Love, do you need to sit?"
Her eyebrows knit together
as she swats me away with a dainty hand.

"Love, do you need to shut the hell up?" She mocks through a smile, resting her forehead against my arm. The scent of booze and sweat fills my nose and I
carefully push her away.

"Sawyer can take you upstairs.
You need to sleep this off," I begin, wrapping my hand around her wrist and leading her out to the living space.
"Two of you can lay in my bed, then leave when you're sober enough. I won't mind."

My eyes search where Elijah and Sawyer sat, only to find an empty couch. "Where'd they go?" I ask aloud, mostly to myself.

"Oh!" Ally hiccups, smiling at herself as she loses her balance and falls soundly on to the cushions. "I saw them go upstairs for, you know."

And the panic sets in.
The one thing I have feared most
since the day he set eyes on her
has become a reality.

"Harry, where are you going?"
Niall calls to me from some room
of the house as I step quickly toward the staircase.

"She needs me."

❁ ❁ ❁

i have been MIA for a few months and i missed this. so get ready fam bc im back in town.

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