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"Need a hand?" Elijah smirks,
kneeling beside my frozen body.
In a swift motion, he picks the
dresses up and orders me to stand.
"Let's go try them on."

A nervous, sickening feeling
overcomes me and I think about
emptying the contents of my stomach onto him, or passing out on the floor.
"I'll just pick one, then leave," I mumble, avoiding his stare.

"Nonsense. You have to look perfect
for your eighteenth birthday, babe."
Elijah nudges my back for me to
start walking, and I look straight ahead as he follows me into the dressing room.

"Can I try them on alone?" I carefully ask, but he quickly shoots down the idea.

"I've seen you before, don't be shy."

He hangs the dresses on a hook
beside the door that locks behind us
once we're crammed in.

"Why are you here?" I focus
my attention down at my feet,
dreading what he has planned
for me next. "Why are you doing this?"

"God, I've missed you," Elijah sighs,
pinning my back against the wall.
I thrash underneath his touch
until I realize my efforts to escape
him will fail; they always have.

"I can't keep myself away from you. Don't get mad, but I've followed you around for a while now," he smiles
as if stalking his prey is a
proud accomplishment.
My chest aches at the thought of never noticing him watching me;
chasing after me.
"Now let's get you undressed."

My nails dig deep into his forearm
as he tugs at my clothing. He winces
the slightest bit, but continues to
remove my top against my will.
His lips suck at my neck as I feel
all color drain from my face.
I push my palms against his chest
in an attempt to make him stop,
but he soon pins my arms above my head, pressing his body firmly on mine.

"Stop it, Elijah," I beg as he smirks at
the bruised mark he created on my skin. "I will scream;
I'll never stop screaming
until you're away from me for good."

He shakes his head,
narrowing his eyes at my own.
"What's Harry going to say about that?" He traces his thumb over the blue hue and smiles in satisfaction when I flinch. "Would your boyfriend be enraged if I touched his girl?"

I spit at his face, "He's on his way
here right now. You should leave before
he comes to kill you. And he'll finish
the job this time, I can promise you that."

Elijah's playfulness fades suddenly,
and his hand forcefully swipes
across my cheek, destroying
any confidence I had.
The stinging sensation that spreads
out on my skin would hurt far more
if the draining hope inside didn't
control my every thought.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that.
Who the hell do you think you are?"
His hand wraps itself deep into
my hair, pulling me off the wall
and over to the hanging mirror.
Elijah harshly presses my face onto
the glass so I can see my terrified
"You see that? You're nothing. Look."

I close my eyes, ignoring his demands.
I refuse to look at my own reflection,
which pushes him over the edge.

"I don't like what you've become,
Sawyer," he hisses as his fingers
tug at the hem of my jeans.
"You're a little slut, and I will
treat you as such. Maybe if
you kept your mouth shut--"

You can stand here and take it,
take it and return to being the
weak girl he made you once,
or you can fight, I tell myself
as Elijah fumbles with his belt.
You can fight.
And I'll be dammed if
I let him have me again.

While Elijah focuses on ridding
himself of his clothes, I regain
control of my arm from his,
and slam my elbow into his face.
He stumbles onto the floor,
covering his bloodied nose with his palm.

"Touch me again," I threaten,
gathering my clothes in my arms
and slipping my phone out from
his pocket, "and I'll kill you myself."

Elijah stays down as I walk away,
his laugh echoing throughout the store.
"I'd like to see you try.
See you later, babe."

I pull my jeans up while running
out of the store, heading to my car
before he can follow me.
People have swarmed to the parking
lot to witness a half-naked girl
speed away from the premises.
But I don't care who saw.
I saved myself.
And though insane given the
circumstances, I smile.

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