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[[night changes - one direction]]


Red glides across my bottom lip,
circling around to the top.
They fold in together,
distributing the color.
7:06 p.m.

I touch up my makeup,
stare at myself in the mirror,
and slouch my shoulders.
My curls are becoming loose
and false hopes are becoming reality.
I've only been waiting by the door for fifteen minutes, no big deal.
Or possibly a huge deal.

"You're wearing that?" My mom asks behind me, crossing her arms.

"Yes," I mumble,
"please don't ruin this for me."
She shifts slightly, looking down at my black dress.

"It's a little short, that's all."
And she adds quietly,
"He might think he's getting lucky."
I push my shoulders back,
ignoring the stab to my self-esteem.

A couple more minutes pass,
she drones on about my risqué look, and no cars drive by.
I look out the window one more time, taking in a deep breath that will hopefully prevent tears.

"He's not coming," I sigh,
pushing past her.
I flop down on the couch and feel
tears pricking at my eyes.

This feeling is awful,
the feeling of rejection;
It's the feeling of knowing
maybe you weren't good enough,
pretty enough,
nice enough.
And maybe the fairy tales were
complete and utter bullshit.

"Before you get too comfortable,
you might want to greet your date."
I peek my head above the couch and meet eyes with Elijah.
He pushes his hair back neatly,
shifting awkwardly in his black shoes.
God, he's beautiful.

"I apologize for being late, Sawyer.
But, I had to make sure this night
was perfect," He blushes,
glancing at my mother,
who may or may not be
mentally undressing him.
I can't blame her,
I'm doing the same.

I stand up, straightening my dress with one hand, and fixing my hair
with the other.
"You look great," I smile,
praying my breath doesn't smell like I've been licking ass.

"And you..." He trails off as his eyes study every inch of my body.
I smile as my mother
clears her throat.

"Well, have a fun night kids.
Because you are still kids.
And kids don't--"
I quickly usher Elijah out and
close the door behind us before
she can kill the mood.

"She's funny," He laughs,
taking his hand in mine.

"Oh yeah, a bundle of laughs,"
I roll my eyes as he opens
the car door for me.

"Watch your head," he instructs,
and I silently laugh at the image
of my head smacking
against the door frame.
A lovely date night
with a side of concussion.

"So, I reserved us a table at a really fancy restaurant," He brags, hoping to impress me on our first date.

"What restaurant?"

"'A Really Fancy Restaurant'", he laughs, pulling out of the driveway.

"That was so funny,
I forgot how to laugh," I smile,
resting my hand on top of his.

He glances down at my gesture,
"I'm glad we're doing this."

"Yeah, me too--" I begin, but the
vibrations from my purse stop me.
"Excuse me," I turn away to retrieve the phone
and smile at the screen.

H: Are you on your date yet?

Me: How did you

Me: Are you in the backseat

H: You'd only turn down a night with me for lover boy. I mean have u seen my good looks??

Me: Fine u caught me

A few moments go by as I eagerly
wait for the screen
to light up again.
Elijah whistles some tune
and I almost wish Harry was in
his place.

H: If he touches you,
I'll kick his ass.

I stifle a laugh as Elijah tries to peek at who I'm talking to.

Me: Thanks Dad.

I slide the phone back in my purse and rest my head against the seat.
Maybe fairytales are real.
Mine is just torn
between two princes.


whoa I haven't updated in forever is anyone still interested in this lmaooo

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