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My phone vibrates on my mattress
as I open the bedroom door.
Six missed calls from Elijah.
I take in a sharp breath as I redial.
A few short rings go by and
he hasn't picked up yet.
I think about hanging up and
forgetting about a future with him,
until a click sounds from
the other end.

"Sawyer? Are you mad at me?"
His voice is rushed and nervous,
I can barely make out his words.

"No, why would I be?" I ask,
peering down at the fresh bruise
that has painted itself on my skin.

"You canceled our date.
I just assumed..." There's a short silence on the other line
that makes me uncomfortable.

"I wasn't feeling well, that's all,"
I cut in, sitting down on the bed.
I trace the swirling designs printed
on my blanket with my index finger, while Elijah decides
what to say next.

"How about tonight? I need to see
you again," He almost begs,
and I ponder the question.

"Tonight sounds lovely." I smile,
ignoring the doubting thoughts
that are bouncing around
in the back of my mind.

"Great! I mean, that's good to hear.
I'll pick you up at seven?"
He corrects himself for being too eager, and I grin
against the phone.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll text you
my address. See you soon," I
hang up before he can say anymore, and open up
Harry's contact.

Me: hi, good morning
My heart races as I see the symbol
appear that says he's typing back.
He must've had our conversation
already opened, patiently waiting.

Harry: I was starting to believe that you were murdered
in your sleep.

Me: oh, thanks for having
faith in me!

Harry: No problemo, amigo.
So, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight?

Harry: Not like a date, hell no.

Harry: I mean a date with you wouldn't be awful I just meant

Harry: I don't know what I meant

I close my eyes for a brief moment.
I can't tell Harry I already
have a date, can I?
He would be pissed with me if
I told him I accepted Elijah's proposal.

Me: I have other plans tonight,
I'm sorry. Maybe some other time?

Harry: Right, it was stupid to ask. Sorry.

Me: No it wasn't. I'm just busy.

Harry: Bye.

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