Baby Bro

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"Two boys in the same week?
This is a record," Zach,
my younger brother, taunts
when I walk through the door.
He rests his elbows on the back
of the couch and sticks his
tongue out at me, eyeing me carefully.

"You're just jealous because
no girl will ever date you,"
I simply state, giving him a
firm push on the forehead to knock
him backwards off the couch.
He quickly pops back up,
scrambling to his feet.

"So, which one do you like more?
Or are you going to make them
fight to the death?" He asks,
following me into the kitchen.
I pick up an apple from the counter
and throw it at his head,
but he's a good catcher,
and I'm quite disappointed.

"The second one could be fun
to watch, don't you agree?" I ask,
and he nods his head excitedly.
"I could give them spears and
say, 'Fight for the V!' Right?"
He wrinkles his nose and makes
fake gagging noises, and my
technique of grossing him out
has satisfied me.

"But seriously, who do you like?
You can tell me, sissy," he bats his
eyelashes and leans against the
counter. I shake my head.

"Boys are gross."

"You're like Ally then?" He cocks
his head to the side, curiosity overcoming his small mind.

"Girls are gross."

"Then you'll die alone?"

"Ah, there is where you are wrong, young grasshopper. Food is delicious. I will die with food,"
I ruffle his hair before heading toward the stairs.
"But, if I'm being honest, I think
I'll go for the first boy," I pause,
looking back at Zachary.

"Make lots of babies," he gives me
a thumbs up before raiding
the fridge while I picture the
miniature Sawyers and Elijahs
running around the house.

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