Phone Call

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I bite on the end of my pen while
typing up an essay about the
benefits of technology,
the topic my English teacher thought was a brilliant idea
to assign the class.

A faint buzzing sounds from
my bag and I reach down to
retrieve my phone.
The screen lights up and an unknown number flashes.
I normally ignore numbers I
don't recognize, but I hope
this number belongs to Elijah.

"Hello?" I say, doing my best to
not sound extremely excited.
I hold my breath, waiting to hear Elijah's soothing voice through
the speaker.

"Sawyer?" I let out a long sigh as
Harry's voice comes through.
I glance over at my alarm clock
that glows from the nightstand.

"Isn't it a little early
for a booty call, Styles?" I hear
him chuckle quietly,
which makes me grin
in spite of myself.

"A couple of friends and I
are throwing a party soon.
I wanted to know if you
would accompany me,"
he breathes, and I laugh at the
thought of him nervous over me.

"How did you get my number?"
I change topics, deciding whether or not I should go.

"I asked you to a party and all
you care about is how I contacted
you?" He huffs, "I stalked your
Facebook until I found your
number. Don't judge me."

"I haven't used Facebook in over a year, you creep," I laugh, "but yes, I'll come." I swear I can hear his
stupid grin through the phone.

"Awesome, great. Awesome," he says, a faint rustling noise sounding from the other end.

"I think you missed another great in there," I say, rolling my eyes and
leaning back against my mattress.

"Just for being sarcastic, you're
uninvited," he begins, "See you
tomorrow, Sawyer."

The line goes dead and I rest my head against the wall.
This isn't how it's supposed to be.
Elijah should be calling me late
at night, inviting me places with him like couples do.
Not Harry.
But things don't always work out
the way I want them to.

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