Third Wheel

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We're walking close to each other,
but instead of the sidewalk,
it feels like I'm walking on air.
Cheesy, I know.

He rambles on about chemistry
and I love the way his lips move
steadily, how they perfectly shape
each word before releasing them
into the air,
and how passionate he is
about science.

"Would you like to come over?"
He asks, right in the middle
of explaining the importance
of the element carbon.
"I mean, I can help you with math, if you'd like."

"Sure." I say too quickly,
too excitedly,
which makes him laugh.
He leads me to his car,
opens the door like a gentleman,
but with her dainty hand,
Ally stops me from getting in.

"You promised to stay with me tonight," she protests,
standing next to Elijah's car.
I can't find the right words to say,
so my lips press into a thin line
to avoid anything from slipping out. She stares at me expectantly,
with eyes ablaze.

"I need you." She begs,
and I glance from her to Elijah
and make the wrong choice.

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