The Lesbian

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When I walk in to first period, she's there waiting silently with
her head in her palms.
Her blond hair falls against
her shoulders delicately,
and she's draped in grey sweatpants, which rarely happens.

"Rough night?" I ask,
taking a seat in the empty desk beside her.

"Liza doesn't want me anymore," she mumbles to her palms.
I sigh, figuring out what the right
thing is to say in this crucial moment.
I'm not quite the pro at giving advice, though usually listening
and nodding quietly does the trick.

"She was a real bitch anyway, Ally," I say, but know
I shouldn't have.

"I love her," she hisses
and her venom sinks into my skin,
knocking me aback.

"I know, and that's the hard part."
She plays with her hair
for a moment, doing her best to ignore my existence.

"She said we couldn't hide forever and that people would judge us.
Said no one would accept us. Our lives would be ruined if they knew.
But who cares?
I just want to scream it to
the world!
Hey, look at me! I like girls!"
A few people in the room
turn their heads to stare at us.
But I don't acknowledge them.
I simply rub her back with my hand, swirling imaginary circles across her shirt, telling her everything always works out.

"Stay with me tonight," she says, lifting her head,
"We can order pizza and cry."

I grin, placing her hand in my own and giving a small squeeze,
"My two favorite things."

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