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"Are you okay?" Niall asks
as we sit together in the
empty hallway.

I ponder the question for a moment, wondering to myself,
what is the definition of okay?

"I'm confused," I admit,
stretching my legs out
in front of me.

"How so?" He asks, cocking
his head slightly to the side
to look at me better.

I shrug, "Hormones."
That results in a loud laugh
escaping from his mouth,
which causes me to join him.

"Are you hormones stuck
between choosing Harry or Elijah?"

"It's like you've implanted a chip
into my brain," I laugh,
but shortly gain my composure.
"How did you know?"

"How couldn't I?
Harry talks about you all the
damn time. I finally have to tell
him to shut the hell up,"
He teases, "But hearing
about you is great and all.
You're a lovely person."

"Oh gee, thanks," I roll my eyes,
the question gnawing at my insides.
"Does he really talk about me?"

"Honest. You're his favorite topic."
Niall gives me a comforting smile,
pushing himself off the floor.
He offers a hand to help me up
as a bell dismissing our lunch
period echoes through the halls.

"You may think I'm stupid,
after hearing things Harry has
probably told you about Elijah
and I,"
I begin as he walks me to
my next class,
"But past his harshness,
there's something
special about Elijah.
He's a good guy,
underneath his tough exterior.
I don't know what it is
that keeps pulling me back to him,
I honestly don't.
But I can't let him go.
Maybe I'm just attracted to
possessive guys."

Niall continues to nod his head,
silently listening to me talk.
I appreciate his understanding,
even though he'll most likely
run and tell Harry I'm insane.

"I get it, I really do.
And I'm not judging
your decisions.
Love is complicated;
hard to deal with at most times,
but we still crave it,"
He sighs, looking over at me
with sympathetic eyes,
"Even when it hurts us."

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