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[harry's pov].

"Get off of him!" Ally screams
hysterically behind me.
I ignore her as my fist collides with
Elijah's skull multiple times.
It feels unbelievably great to give him
what he deserves; to watch him
squirm and beg for my fists to rest.
But the scene I witnessed taking place
in my room--my bed--was enough to
make me snap.

He was hovered over her,
sweating in his intoxicated state
over her quaking body.
When I forced him off of her,
she wasn't moving, and her beautiful
eyes were shut on themselves.
I, being in a fit of rage, did not check
to see if she was okay before
bashing in the brains of her attacker.
And currently, still bashing.

"Are you trying to kill him?" Niall asks,
pushing past Ally, who stands in the
doorway with tears streaming down
her cheeks.

"That's what I'm going for," I say through
clenched teeth as blood coats my knuckles.

"Hell," Niall curses, peering over my shoulder to see what I've done.
"Ally, make yourself useful and get
her out of here." He points to Sawyer,
who remains still on the bed.
Ally creeps slowly over to her,
letting out piercing cries at the sight.

"No!" I yell, turning my attention away
from Elijah. He falls unconscious below me as I pull myself off of him.
Niall reaches his arm out to help me
up from my position on the floor.
"Let me take her. She needs me."

"Harry, your hands," Ally begins,
taking few steps away from me.
I wince at the stinging of my battered
knuckles, but my own pain fades away
when I see her laying helpless in the sheets.

"Niall," I whisper, tears blurring the vision
of the bare girl before me. "Get these people out of my house."

He obeys quickly,
rushing down the stairs.
I hear him ushering the crowd of
people out the front door as Ally
rests her hand on my shoulder.

"She's going to be okay, right?"

My fingers grip the sheets around her,
wrapping them carefully over her body.
I push her matted hair from her face,
pressing my lips gently against her forehead.
My arms slide slowly beneath her,
lifting her from the bed, covered in white cloth.
She moves only the slightest bit,
her lips parting as if to speak.
But only soft cries of pain sound.
And I cry with her as I carry her limp
body down the stairs.

"I'm sorry I let this happen, baby," I cry
into her hair. Ally helps me set her on the couch for the time being.

"Call the police," I instruct, handing Ally
my cell phone. "Report a..."
I pause briefly, the word too hard to say.
I never thought the girl I loved would
be a victim of that word; that word
that seems almost imaginary in this moment.

"Rape," she answers for me, her fingers
trembling as she dials those three digits.
I nod silently, kneeling before Sawyer
to stroke her hair.

"I'll take you home, love," I barely get out.
Sawyer weakly shakes her head and
attempts to sit up, with no luck.

"Stay here", she mouths, taking my hand
in her own. Her entire body shakes
suddenly, and I traces my thumb
over her hand to calm her worries.

"Tell her parents she's staying with you
tonight," I glance over at Ally, who
tells the operator my address.
"She needs me."

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