Harry Potter

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I've managed to drag myself
around the hallways
without dropping to my knees.
I think I should be given a gold
star for my valiant efforts.
The last bell of the day chimes
and I'm the only one left
in the classroom in a matter
of seconds.

My walk is sluggish as I turn the
corner to see Harry and his friend leaning against a row of lockers.
His back is turned to me
and I decide whether or not
I should thank him for doing
what he did earlier.
My fingers wrap tightly around
the strap of my bag and
I hurry past the boys.

A few rays of light hit me as I
walk out into the frigid autumn air.
I'm only a few feet away
from the bus before
turning on my heels and
jogging back into the building.

"Potter!" I call, and he pauses
his conversation with the blond boy before glancing over at me.

"Sawyer? Did you need something?" He asks, unfolding
his arms as I stride up to him.
I like the way he says my name,
I could listen to him call me by
name for hours and never grow bored.
Instead of a hard -er at the end
like most people say,
he pronounces it much slower
and smoother, "Sawy-ah".

"I wanted to thank you for earlier," I shyly say as the corner of his lips
turn upward and his eyes trail down my body.

"No problem, it was my pleasure."
I nod and take my bottom lip
between my teeth before
awkwardly excusing myself.

"I should go. Don't want to miss
my bus," I say, giving him and the other boy a small wave.

"I could drive you home, if
you want," he insists, saying a brief goodbye to his friend before
following me out.

"Oh, I wouldn't want you to
waste gas on me," I shake my
head as he points to his car.

"You're not a waste of gas," he assures, "I'm parked right over there."
I stop walking for a moment,
my gaze caught between the bus and Harry.

"Come on, Sawyer. 50 years from now, when you're looking back on your life, don't you want to say you had the guts to get in the car?"

"Did you really just quote
Transformers?" I grin, raising
an eyebrow. "Well, now I have to get in the car."


hi how ya doing today? me? just peachy thanks. im lame but i hope someone is reading this and im not just talking to myself.

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