Lunchtime Sadness

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"So, how was your fishing trip?"
I ask, strolling down the hallway
with Elijah.

"We went to this beautiful spot
covered by orange, red,
and yellow trees. The lake was so blue, and the fish were the biggest ones I've ever caught," he continues on and on and on.
I feel bad for tuning him out,
but I'll get over it.

We take a detour to the cafeteria,
down a "secret set of stairs",
Elijah likes to call it.
I think he ends the topic
of the fishing trip and
switches to how he found the
stairs in his junior year
and describes in great detail
why they're only meant for

"I'll go get your lunch for you," he
insists, "what would you like?"

"Surprise me," I give him a big
smile as he scurries off toward
the lunch line.
I find a secluded table in the
back corner of the cafeteria,
and silently wish Ally was still willing to sit with me.

She catches my eye from across
the room; her table already filled.
She's laughing, smiling,
and it makes me overjoyed
to see her happy and alive.
I look away before we make
an unwanted, awkward eye contact and Elijah walks over with two trays.

"There was nothing good up there, so I got you a salad," he smiles,
sitting close to me.
I nearly vomit at the sight of
the green death trap he has
set before me, but I smile
and pick up a fork.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to go on--" He begins, but is quickly cut off by two boys
joining our table.

I look up from the lettuce mess
in front of me to see Harry
and the blonde boy from yesterday
smiling at us.

"Mind if we join you?" Harry asks,
looking from me to Elijah.

"Not at all," I smile, but Elijah
gives me a concerned look.

"Well, I was in the middle of
asking Sawyer something
important," Elijah states,
putting his hand on mine.
"Would you like to go
on a date tonight?"

I feel like all eyes are on me,
especially Harry's.
But why would I care
what he thinks?
"Of course," I blush,
and Elijah flashes me a
beautiful smile.

When I look back at Harry,
he's already excused himself
from the table.
My eyes dart to the blonde boy
and he shrugs,
picking at his greasy burger.
I want to get up and go find
Harry to ask what just happened,
but before I can stand, Elijah holds my wrist tightly in his grip
to stop me.

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