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Ally paces steadily,
briefly separating her lips
as if ready to say something; anything.
But no words come out.
I observe her movements,
almost questioning what
is going on in her head.
Finally, her feet stand flat on
the carpet and she stares back at me.

"You have to tell your parents,"
She decides, nodding
to herself all the while.
I push myself off the couch,
taking long strides to meet her.

"No," I protest,
making her brows knit
together in confusion.

"W-what do you mean?"
She asks, placing both hands
on her hip bones.
"You can't let him
continue doing this."

I search for a logical reason
to object her idea,
but none come to mind.
"I shouldn't have told you,"
I state, pushing past her
to reach the front door.

"Sawyer, if you don't tell someone,
he'll think it's okay to treat you like shit and you know it."

"What do you even know?" I spit,
clenching my fist around the doorknob, yanking it open.

"I know that you're being so stupid
about a serious problem, that's what," She yells back, following
me out on the porch.

"Last I checked, your relationship wasn't all sunshine and rainbows!" I turn to her,
noticing the hurt on her face.

"You have no right!
At least my crazy girlfriend
doesn't try to abuse me,"
She hisses, sinking her venomous
fangs into my veins.
I stumble back, my previous anger replaced with pain and dejection.

"Don't make this about me, Sawyer," She sighs,
looking past me.
"If you won't tell your parents,
I will."

I bury my hands into my jean pockets, narrowing my eyes
down at the grass.
"Why can't this be our little secret?"

"Because I refuse to keep this
hidden," She admits,
walking back inside.
As she closes the door to
block me from her home,
I speak up.

"I promise I will tell them
when the time is right," I call
to her, and she places her foot
in the path of the shutting door.

"And when will the time be right,
Sawyer? When he puts you
in the hospital?" She asks,
her voice slightly wavering.
I open my mouth again to speak,
but she shakes her head and
disappears behind the pale barrier.

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