Long Night

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Once clear, ivory skin
now stained with black streaks.
Once perfect crimson lines
now smeared blurs
across quivering lips.
Trembling fingers caress each other as if a comforting sign
that the night has almost
reached its end.

"Please talk to me," Elijah pleas from the driver's seat. "Look at me at least baby."

My stomach churns at that vile word, but I'm in no shape to say anything to this man.
When he pulls into my driveway,
I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt and try to avoid confrontation.

"Sawyer," a strong hand grips onto my thigh to hold me in place.
"I'm sorry, I am, but you wanted it. Didn't you?"

"I--" I begin, but my voice is hoarse from crying the whole ride home.

"You do like me, don't you?"

"Y-yes," I whine as his thumb gently lifts my chin up.

"So why are you being this way?
I like you, you like me. What happened back there was special,"
He coos, planting little kisses
on my tear-soaked cheeks.

You tried to take my virginity on top of your car, I want to yell,
but once again,
I let him kiss me.
"I need to go," I whisper against his lips, and he reluctantly
pulls away.

He gives a brief wave as I take small steps to the porch.
I watch as he drives off into the dark of night, pulling out my phone as soon as the headlights fade away.

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