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"Let go of me," I demand, squirming to be free from
his tight grip.
He jerks his head to look at me,
a fiery inferno burning in his eyes.

"Would you stop?" He grits his teeth, releasing my wrist once
we reach the isolated hallway.
I rub at the raw flesh,
a tingling sensation sprouting
from the mark his fingers left.
Past the harshness of his actions,
I miss the feel of his skin
atop my own.

"Who is she?" I huff, studying
his irritated, hasty motions.
He stands tall,
one hand positioned on his hip,
the other running soothingly
through his hair.

"What?" He returns my glares,
one fist balling up at his side.

"Who's Lauren and why did she
kiss you?" I take a step forward,
backing his body against the lockers.

"That isn't any of your damn
business," He spits, not the
slightest bit phased by me.
My confidence and temper waver
as I remove myself from his
personal space.

"I just want to know," I sigh,
lowering my head.
My eyes follow the tiled pattern
that runs along the floor;
Avoiding his rough gaze
is the main goal.

"It's complicated," His tone is calmer, and he returns to himself after a series of inhales
and exhales.

"Please," I beg, looking up for
the first time, noticing his lips
part slightly.

"My old girlfriend," He starts, but
when I turn on my heels to hurry
off, he takes my hand to hold me in place. "Hear me out, will you?"

"Make it fast," I bite my lip,
focusing on his hand in mine.
The entire length of his knuckle
is wrapped in several layers of
bandages, few fingers adorned
in tints of blue bruises.
My thumb gently traces over
the colored splotches,
wishing I could heal what is wounded.

"There's history between her and I, no point in lying to you. But when you and I first started talking, she left me for God knows who else," He admits,
intertwining our hands, then
flinching at the sudden pain.
But what baffles me beyond belief
is that, even though it hurts him
to bend his battered fingers,
he does so to comfort me.

I breathe in a long, needed catch of air, beginning to wrap my head around the scenario he describes.
"So, when exactly did you get
back with her?"

"After I realized no amount of effort would make you leave him."

"I don't know what to say," I state,
my heart aching for this boy who
revealed his vulnerability to the
one person who made him
this way.
It would be too painful
to hear him say the things
I've done to ruin him in
such a short period of
knowing one another.

"What am I supposed to do, Sawyer?" He asks, releasing my
hand. "You seem to really
like him, though I don't know why.
It's time I move on from you."

"What do mean by that?" I furrow my brows, backing away from him.
Move on;
But when was he stuck on me?

"Are you that clueless?
I thought you would have
realized it by now," He scoffs,
and my cheeks flush a bright pink,
showing him my embarrassment
for the situation at hand.

"Enlighten me," I press.

"You're impossible," He tugs
lightly at his curls, annoyed
by my lack of understanding.
"Impossible, stubborn, naïve;
And yet I still care for you.
How idiotic on my part."

"Care for me?"

"I guess the girl I'm in love with is also deaf. What a shame."

I childishly fold my arms
across my chest,
narrowing my eyes at him.
"You think you can insult me,
have another girl kiss you,
and then propose
your affection for me?"
I laugh at it all,
wagging my index in his direction.
"You're the one
who is impossible-"

He takes short steps toward me, laying both palms flat against my cheeks. He tilts my chin up,
forcing me to meet his eyes.
He scans my face briefly,
giving the most attention
to my unsealed mouth.
And then,
as if the planets suddenly
align, his lips meet mine.

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