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(book trailer above!)
* * cover made by the lovely scxlpture , go check her out, she is quite lovely * *

hi, this book--yes im calling it a book, let me have this moment--is written in free verse, because, well, i wanted to.

in case you wanted to know...

free verse:


1. an open form of poetry. does not use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any other musical pattern. it thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

this contains some mature content, read at your own risk. if you are uncomfortable with the topic of domestic and sexual abuse, i suggest you not read this. this is a work of fiction, all from my mind. characters used have no relation to the real person besides name and appearance. this is a.u., so don't correct me because guess what, it's not real. that may sound rude but im a good person actually. jokes on you. i hope you enjoy this, and leave sweet comments bc i love you.

if you or anyone you know has been a victim of rape, abuse, or incest, visit rainn.org for more info on how to help.

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