Two Weeks

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These two weeks went by too fast,
almost like a blur that made me dizzy.

On the first day, Harry apologized for walking out on me during my birthday party. I didn't forgive him, because it was him being human, and he shouldn't have been sorry for that.

He took me to an art museum.
We made fun of ourselves when Harry made the comment that I was the art, and the paintings were only there as decoration. I poked his dimples and called him a bona fide hipster.

For the rest of the week, we had
movie marathons on my couch,
cuddling close under a blanket and throwing popcorn in each other's hair.

The next Monday was rough.
Harry wasn't feeling like his bubbly self, and we fought until our eyes were tired of crying and our lips bored of moving.

Tuesday was different.
I awoke to flowers on my doorstep.
Harry, Niall and Ally came over.
We mostly talked, and joked,
and I almost decided to stay here.
But they wouldn't let me.

The following days were similar.
I surrounded myself with friends
and family and grew closer to them
than I have all year.

Harry drove me around to see
all the Christmas lights glowing around town. It was snowing, and Harry kissed fallen flakes off my cheeks and nose.
Everything felt perfect,
but then it ended as soon as it began.

I frown at the calendar.
Tomorrow is the last day.
Tomorrow is the last day.

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