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"I thought he'd take you again,"
Harry confesses, kissing my forehead
as we lay on his bed.
"I was scared out of my mind."

I silently nod, intertwining our
fingers to comfort his fears.
"You don't have to be scared anymore.
I'm here, and he's gone."

"But what if he comes back?
What if he won't rest until he gets
what he wants from you?"

"Maybe you should stop pondering
over what ifs and kiss me," I whisper,
lifting my head up to gaze at him.
He gently touches my cheek,
locking our lips together soundly.

"Harry, your laundry—oh!" An older
woman with matching emerald eyes
stands in the doorway, and I shift
awkwardly away from Harry.

"Mum," he groans, pushing himself
up to a sitting position. "I am an adult.
I will get my own laundry."

The woman allows herself into the room, extending her hand out
to greet me.
"You must be Sawyer. I'm Anne,
his mother. And my God, he talks about you like you put the stars in the sky."

My cheeks flush as I shake her hand,
and Harry lifts himself from the bed.
"Alright, this is embarrassing.
Mum, leave me some of my dignity."

She nods him off, exiting through the
door. "It was lovely meeting you!"
Harry closes the door on her sentence, hiding his blushing face from me.

"She's amazing," I laugh, patting the
empty spot on the mattress that
he used to occupy. "Come, sit."

"I have to find my own place soon,"
he shakes his head, following my
orders. "And I was thinking--"

"That's never a good sign," I tease,
and he lays his head on my lap.
My fingers trail through his hair
as he watches my actions intently.

"Maybe you could move in with me,
and we could have our own little world."

My hands pause, removing themselves
from his loose curls. "You're asking
me to move into an apartment with you?"

He takes in a sharp breath before nodding, "Happy Birthday."

❁ ❁ ❁

i hope you continue to read because this is the final stretch; you've almost made it.

i also changed the description for this story, so if you want to check it out, be my guest. as always, thank you for reading, voting, and commenting. xx

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