Thank You!

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And that's it.

I hope you've enjoyed this story.
And if you didn't, I hope you hated it with every fiber in you. Go big or go home, that's the motto.

I appreciate every vote, comment, and read that has made this story grow. Your support means everything to me.

As for the future of Sawyer and Harry,
I was thinking about writing a sequel, since their story ends off where a new one can pick up. It would be called "Exposed".

But I will only write one if you guys want me to; if you're still interested, that is. Please comment and tell me if you want a sequel, or if the story should end where it did.

I'm nervous to press the "completed" button, since this is my second story to be fully finished. That's exciting to me! (Though I probably won't press it until I'm sure I won't update with anymore author's note and such).

And as always, thank you, reader,
for everything you've done.
I hope to be seeing you again soon.

-Hunter xx

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