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15|| " 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐍 ʜᴇʀ "------------------------------------------

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15|| " 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐍 ʜᴇʀ "

||ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ᴘᴏᴠ||

" Princess, Where were you? ", Jimin asked lovingly, while caressing his little sister, Iseul's head.

Iseul quaffs the cold milk, which she is drinking as her brother gave her for drinking when she entered the mansion.

Iseul shows her hand actions, explaining him she was at her friends house.

Jimin exhale a deep audible breathes at her sister's action.
Jimin's sorrowful eyes turned into soft, he patted her head Admirably.

" Gaurds were finding you all over the city, do you know how much stress you gave me last night? ", Jimin asked in his depressed tone as he was anxious, he didn't even slept for night inspite of having important meeting.

Iseul downcast her eyes at her brother's words, she wants to cry, she wants to hug him, she wants to share her sorrow with her brother how her brother in law manipulate her last night and took advantage of her naïve mind.

She clasp her ear with her fingers.

Jimin smiles at her sister's adorable action, he can't stay angry with her, as she is precious for him.

" Fine, but whenever you go out, you will inform me. ", Jimin softly said glancing at his sister's teeths exposing and curving into a smile.

She wobbles her head with a smile.

" I will send bread and fruits.. You have to eat.", Jimin said.

Iseul wobbles her head, sipping the cold milk.

" Ok.. Then i am leaving, be ready. ", Jimin said and stood up from his seat.
Iseul nodded and puts the empty glass on the table.
Jimin leaves the room as he have to get ready for office.

Iseul walks towards the exit door of her room, she closes the door.
She clutches the door's knob, her serene eyes turn into sorrow, her hands started shivering, recalling the forbidden touch of her brother in law.
She should've been careful.
She should not have listened to him.

Tears escaped from her eyes, recalling his burning words, he changed her clothes, how could he?
She instantly put her fingers on her shivering lips, Her soul clutches her heart recalling how he kissed her without her will.
She rubs her lips with a harsh force inducing her delicate lips swollen more.
Her chest tighten more inside her ribcage.

She loathes him more.

" Come in. ", Jungkook answered the knock of the door, with his blue orbs on his file and fingers flipping pages.

His Secretary, Jung enters the office, walking to his table, he stands infront of his boss.

" Boss? ", He called his boss in his professional tone.

Jungkook lift his gaze, and looks at his secretary through his square spectacles.

" Mrs jeon came to meet you. ", His secretary jung stated with his orbs buried on the floor, as no ones dares to look straight into Boss's eyes.

Jungkook jaw tightened and he raised his brows hearing upon his secretary's words.

" Dont let her in my office. ", Jungkook said while Removing the barrier of spectacles away from his eyes.

" Mrs jeon wants talk about today's meeting with mr park. ", Secretary jung said with hesitation.

" I pay you for working for me... ", Jungkook snapped in his manly tone, scaring his secretary.

" So-Sorry Boss. ", Secretary jung apologized for his words, as he knows he did mistake by refusing his orders.

" Get lost! ", Jungkook rasped and took his file.
Secretary jung nods his head and turns around and walks out of the office.
Jungkook leaned his back on the headboard of his chair and a audible growl left from his mouth, recalling her soft body against him.
He cursed as his wild hormones are demanding for her lips again.
He close his eyes recalling the wrath & loathe in her eyes when he kissed her.

Such a wild woman he got!
Little did she knows the wildness, her resistance is something more slutry in his eyes.

" Mrs jeon. ", Secretary jung called rose in his professional tone, as her back is facing him.

Rose instantly turn around hearing upon her husband's call.

" What he said? ", She instantly asked in her excited tone and gleaming eyes, as she hoping that her husband will allowed her to come inside his office.

" He said he is busy. ", Secretary jung said softly as he is dying inside, cause he was gonna broke the woman.

Her gleaming eyes turn gloomy, the smile on her lips dies.

" bu-but why? ", She meekly asked herself not wanting to let secretary jung hear.

She clutch the luxurious bag in her grip, as his denials are choking her.
Secretary jung bowed infront og his boss's wife and walk away, leaving rose broke and teary.

She toss her orbs towards the her husband's office, which is plenty steps far away from her.
She harshly wipes her tears and fix ger blonde hairs.
She walks towards the office.

" What the fvck! ", Jungkook yelled as someone bragged into his office without his permission, which is far away from his liking.

His fierce blue orbs darkened looking at the woman entered his office is wife.

" Who the fvck gave you permission to enter the room? ", Jungkook growled loudly inducing rose's clench on her bag tighten, her free hands fisted in ball looking at him.

" Jung-Jungkook. ", She turned her rageful eyes into soft as she knows she have to play perfect.

Jungkook's eyes darkened more hearing her fake stutterings as he clearly knows, rose is confident girl, she never stutters.

" What is it? ", He asked in gis frost tone, hiding the rage.
Rose smiles assuming the act of her might have melted him.
She walks inside the room and stands infront of his table.

" My mother called us for stay, for 3 days. ", Rose utters in her soft tone fluttering her lashes and gazing at him softly.

" Okay! ", He stated while tilting his head.


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